That's too much information
Off to college I go tomorrow. Well, in about seven hours time.

First proper day back. I'll be getting my first brief that's due in in just over a month. In addition to this, we've also got a tutorial session every Monday from now on. That's not good. It means that instead of going home at 4pm, we have to stay until 5pm. I'm glad it's on a Monday, at least.

In other news, well, there isn't any really. Remember when I said that my contact list had suddenly really enlarged and I had loads of people to talk to? That's not really the case anymore. I'm still stuck for people to talk to. My contact list seems to hover from around 16-23 people. Ironically that's also the age range of them.

I should have gone shopping today. I'm in desperate need of food. There's pretty much nothing for me to eat in the house right now. However, I can't even go shopping tomorrow because I'll be in college so I'll have to wait until Tuesday. It's my own fault really for not going today but the truth is that I simply couldn't be bothered. I worked out that I can at least survive until Tuesday. Just about. Plus, I might buy something tomorrow too on my way home, just that I can't buy everything because it's too expensive in town.

Oh, that's another thing I forgot to mention. My mum text me a few days ago saying do I know anywhere that would do life drawing. I said the arts centre did it. "Where's that?", she asked. A bit weird that she didn't even know that it's my college...

Anyway apparantly Gary wants a drawing of her for his birthday. But I told her that the college isn't likely to do that for her. I searched online for places but didn't really find anything. I said I'd ask Brian when I went to college on Wednesday and I did. He asked me what type of drawing did she want and I said I wasn't sure. So, that night I asked her.

Apparantly she wants a...(I don't even want to say it)..nude drawing of herself.

Not that I have anything against artistic nudes, but when your mum is asking you do you know anyone who'd draw her naked...IT'S NOT A NICE THOUGHT...

Extremely reluctantly, I said I'd ask Brian again and this time, include that piece of information...How the hell do I ask my tutor that? "Hi Brian, so, do you know anyone who'd draw my mum naked?"...I never thought I'd have to utter a sentence like that. It's embarassing.

We'll see.
