I'm not a morning person
After finally going to bed this morning at around 7:30am, I was then awoken by Colin and Rob banging away in the hall at 9am. It sounded like they were tearing up the carpets and they were. Gary was with them too, explaining what they had to do. I tried desperately to get back to sleep, but then they began banging away and pulling the carpets up.

Ugh. Do you know that feeling you get when you're incredibly tired and you're laying there in bed, but there's that much happening that it prevents you from falling asleep? Yeah, that was me this morning. My eyes hurt.

I heard Colin/Rob pulling the carpet up by the entrance to my bedroom. My bedroom doesn't have a door on it, just stairs leading up. I didn't really care at that point whether they knew I was in bed or not, just as long as they were quick and then left me alone.

After they'd pulled the carpets up they went to go and do other things around the house and I managed to fall back asleep for an hour or so, only to be woken up once more, this time by my mum who had come back from Gary's for some reason. She woke me up to tell me to make sure to listen out for some guy who was going to meaure the rooms up for the new carpets I think.

I was in bed when he came around 1:30pm and I rushed up to answer the door. Thankfully he only stuck around for about 10 minutes, leaving me in peace and I got back in bed and slept until 6pm.

I have to go shopping tomorrow. I have to. There's nothing to eat in the house and since my mum is pretty much deserted the house while it's all getting done up, me/Laura have to do everything instead. It doesn't bother me too much, but the fact that I finished college last week means that I can't simply go into Sainsbury's on my way home right by the station. Means I have to specifically get up and go into the town centre to get shopping.

OK, that's not really that hard of a task, I know. Just that since I'm up all night, all I want to do of a day is sleep.

I don't think that's going to be possible this summer though, which is really going to annoy me because I think of long periods of time away from college as times when I can relax and just get ready to go again. But this summer, I'm going to be waken up at 9am every weekday morning.

I wouldn't mind too much, but it's not like I have anything to do all day. I don't have anywhere to be. I'm just here. Doing nothing.

Plus, god only knows how things are going to work when it's my room that has to be decorated.

I'm really hoping that my friends decide to go out on Friday. I need to get out of here and have some fun.
