It's only a hall but I'm still proud
I finally finished painting the hall today. I didn't really feel like doing it to begin with, but once I got into it, I was determined to get it all done and I did. I feel kind of proud of what I've achieved, even though it's not anything special. Just feels like I've put effort into something and I can say "I painted this hall".

I talked to Jamie on the phone this morning. I haven't spoken to him for a while as I'd lost his mobile number, so I couldn't text him while we were in college and therefore I haven't seen him. He reminded me of the fact that it's my birthday on Thursday. I asked what could we all do for it, but he didn't know. The only thing that we'll probably do is all go the pub on Friday instead and celebrate it then. I really wanted to do something for the actual day though. I wanted to celebrate my birthday on my birthday, rather than a day later.

I think tomorrow I'm going to try and get started on the project that I have to do for Tony. Just get some bauhaus shapes down on paper and make some spidergrams. He says that he wants at least 20 pages of roughs, so I'll try and do more than that.

I also have to do some work on Daniel's project and I'm not really sure how I'll do that. I have to create a pop art timeline of the 60's and I have to have rough work to go with it.

I think I shall watch a movie now. Love Actually, if you're interested.
