Well I didn't expect this to happen
I have a date tomorrow.

I'm not quite sure what to say about the girl I'm meeting. It's all happened rather fast, but she seems so very very nice. Her name is Claire, she's 20 and she's from Liverpool. I must point out that it is neither my ex-girlfriend Claire, nor the Claire who I socialise with in the pub. She's cute and she likes all kinds of stuff that I do, such as classical music, the same kind of movies, lots of sex and we both like sci-fi.

I met her via Faceparty. Yes, Faceparty. I wouldn't say Faceparty is the best place to find people to meet really if you're someone like me. However, I was very very surprised to find her profile, after searching about for girls from Liverpool. We added each other to MSN a few days ago and have talked loads since and now we're meeting up tomorrow. We've only known each other for like, four days, but it seems as if we both really like each other. It's the first time in a long time that I actually feel as if someone really does want me. I know it may sound silly to you, but if I pop up online, she messages me before I message her. Hardly anyone ever does that. It's always me who messages them.

Usually, while I look forward to meeting someone, I'm not usually that nervous about it because I'm meeting them for something physical. However, with Claire, I feel that there is something more there, which is why I messaged her in the first place. I feel like there is some sort of connection there and I want to pursue it.

We're meeting up in town tomorrow for a drink in a cafe and if we like each other, we're then going to book tickets for Ludovico Einaudi, because I've invited her to come with me, since Jen cancelled due to being unwell. She said yes. Also, we may be going the cinema as well if we do like each other. I'm hoping we do. I really really hope we do like each other. I hope that we have the same kind of connection offline as we do online.

I'm going to try my best to take it as slow as possible and not seem too eager or anything like that. I don't want to scare her away. I have to keep reminding myself that I must not overdo it. I must not act before thinking. Tomorrow has to go well.

I'm so excited and nervous. I haven't felt like this for quite a while about meeting someone. I'm hoping that my thoughts of her being special in some way turn out to be true.

Time for bed.
