Boring day today. Again.

Went to bed around 3am last night because of the fact that I had slept in too long, which meant that I wasn't tired when it came for me to sleep. Still, I managed to get asleep around 3:30am and had a whole three and a half hours of sleep.

Laura caught the cab with me to the station this morning. She didn't offer to pay half again, though, so I asked if she would, but she said she didn't have any change. If she's getting the cab with me, I feel that it's only fair that we go half on it, especially when my income is a lot less than hers.

My tutor for the moring period was Brian. Brian's a great teacher. He gave us all a piece of paper with a challenge on it and split us into two groups of five.

Due to an inventory mix-up, there is a �1,000,000 surplus of ball bearings.

Your agency has been commissioned to devise a scheme, which markets or sells them either one at a time or in combinations.

We had around 15 minutes in each group to come up with as many ideas as possible for this challenge and then we were to pick three of the best. I got to work on it straight away, but the other four people just kind of sat there, looking at each other. They were talking about the challenge, but no one was writing anything down besides me so I told them to do so. They seemed to need telling quite a bit.

I took the role of the leader of the group, since no one else seemed to be capable of doing so and tried to pump the group full of confidence and life and to an extent it worked, but still, people weren't focusing on the task, but simply coming up with silly ideas instead of being serious about the challenge we had been handed. However, with a bit of encouragement from me, everyone managed to get some ideas down. Some of my ideas were:

1) Sell each one for 20p. Whoever gets the last ball bearing wins a cash prize.
2) Use a Chinese ball machine to create the world's largest ball machine. Hold a competition to see who can collect the most balls.

And so forth.

After 15 minutes, we then had to pitch our best ideas to the other group and then they had to come up with a strapline. We had to do the same with their ideas too.

So, another 15 minutes was spent coming up with straplines for one of their ideas, which proved fruitless really. Again, no one was really getting stuck into it. Brian kept coming over and trying to ignite the group's thought process but it didn't work much.

After the 15 minutes we then had to present the straplines to the other group. And that was basically the morning done.

At lunch, I went to see if Jamie and Fisher had finished, but they hadn't. I waited outside their classroom but they weren't coming out. I called Stan to see where he was and he said he was at the AJ's. I asked him if he knew what time Jamie and Fisher got out of class and he said it was 12:30pm, not 12pm, so I basically had to wait till 12:30pm to meet up with them. Fisher came out first and said he was off home, but me, Jamie and Mike met up and waiting outside for Jamie's girlfriend, Danielle to arrive. I also got Mike's number for future use.

We all headed towards the AJ's to go and meet up with Stan. On the way, Danielle said that she was coming out tomorrow night with the rest of us. I think tomorrow is going to be one hell of a night. There seems to be a lot of people going.

We didn't stay at the AJ's long. Stan was with his photography class in there and when he left, someone came with him called James, I think. I said goodbye to Danielle and Jamie, as they were going home, while Stan and James went back to class and so did I.

The afternoon was very, very boring. I met my third and final tutor, Daniel. I had met him before on my trip to Manchester to see a Peter Saville exhibition. I sat talking with him and Brian on the the train there. I don't think he recognised me though at first.

He gave us our next task, which was basically to brainstorm some more about the ideas we'd already produced and further expand on them. Since I had only had three hours sleep, I was feeling pretty damn tired by now, but tried my best to keep enthusiastic about the task, trying to keep the group going with ideas and we did fill a page full of them, but Daniel didn't really like where it was going and suggested another route so we done that, but I think he knew that all of us were pretty bored by now. And I was most definitely. I had been doing all of the writing all day so far and I couldn't be arsed doing anymore work for the afternoon, so gave the piece of paper to someone else in the group.

Again, the brainstorming wasn't really much of a storm, but more like a tiny trickle of ideas, which I didn't contribute at all to.

At break, Daniel came over to me and we chatted for a few minutes. He said that he knew that I was competent with all of what he was doing this lesson, but that he had to do it for the rest of the group's benefit. I realised this. But man, it's so boring. I just want something to do. Something productive.

As I said in a previous entry, Brian had told the tutors about me already and so they knew that I was already knowledgable. This is why Daniel gave me a look at the task which he had planned for tomorrow. It's to design an ID card. It has to look unique and original and unconventional. It also must reflect my interests and personality. Easy.

Daniel said that he wants this task to stretch a few weeks. A few weeks! I can have this task done by tomorrow if neccessary and I could have it done properly by next Thursday. Not a few weeks! Sadly, this entire half of the term is simply to get everyone comfortable on the course and nothing that we do is going to be important. The real tasks and briefs start after half term. Until then, I have to suffer these boring lessons when I could be getting on with something useful. I just want to get stuck into what I have to do, but they won't let me because it wouldn't be fair on everyone else.

After break, he got everyone started on this ID card task. I couldn't really be arsed with it, but designed six cards regardless and then for the rest of the lesson, basically sat there doing nothing, half falling asleep. Daniel came over after a while to see if I was alright, since I was just sitting there and I said sure. He was kind of prompting me to do something, but I didn't want to so I just sat there some more, talking to Raymond, the guy from Uganda. He seems cool to me. I invited him out tomorrow with me and my friends, along with about three other people, plus the ones I'd already invited out. So far, at least two people from my course are going. I hope it's more too so my friends, know, well, my friends and everyone becomes one big happy family.

Left college, dropped off some business cards at Furniture Gone Mad, went home.

I'm tempted to go to bed right now because i'm very, very tired and I can hardly keep my eyes open, but if I do that, I won't want to get out of it again, which is a Very Bad Thing, as it'll mean I won't sleep tonight. I need all the sleep I can get tonight too, because I won't get the chance to do so again till at least 2am Saturday morning. That's if I go to Le Bateau's of course. I may just go to the AJ's.

I was going to make a proper start on these ID cards, but i'm so damn tired. I just can't be arsed.

I need my bed.
