I got my key skills results in the post today for both my Application of Number exam and IT.

I passed both of them. Yay me.

Of course, both of the exams were only level 1 so I would of been surprised and pretty damn dismayed if I had failed them. According to the letter, I can pick up my certificate for both of the exams in 4-6 weeks.

I thought at first it was going to be my course results. I was kind of panicing for a moment because I would of hated to see 'FAIL'. Fail means no course in September. Fail means starting over AGAIN. I can't fail.

I also got my appointment with Brian for my interview. It's next Thursday at 10am. It was a bit of a strange letter actually. For one, they decided that I didn't live in Kirkby, but "Igrbby". Also, the letter said that I was going for an 'audition'. Ha. Someone really needs to check what they send out to people at college...

Not much else to say really.
