I've been discussing that job opening with my mum tonight. She was amazed as I was at how perfect it would be for me. But she knows just as well as I do about the benefits issue.

She said that I should go and speak to the people at Connexions, which is like a job centre, but much more friendly I think. She said tha they would give me advice on whether I could reclaim income support when I begin college.

Even if I am able to do the job though, I doubt I'll actually be able to get to and from wherever it is at such unusual times. It'll probably be on some industrial estate on the other side of Liverpool, impossible to get to. It'd be great if I had a car so I could get myself there, but sadly, I don't.

I bet I end up just sitting here all summer doing nothing, wasting my time, when I could be at least earning some money somewhere. As I said in my last entry, I hate the fact that money is always the thing that makes other things difficult to achieve. In my case, giving myself an education.

My mum said that I should go to Connexions tomorrow to see what they have to say. I bet I won't go though. I do, however, intend to go and get a haircut, since I very badly need one. Speaking of which, I finally trimmed my beard. It's not nearly as long now, but rather like overgrown stubble. Looks a lot better.

Also tomorrow, my mum has invited me out for a meal with her, my Nana and possibly Gary and Laura. I've never met Gary before. I have no idea what he's like. I've only ever spoken to him on the phone and that was only to say whether my mum was out or not.

Oh, that's something I forgot to say. Laura quit her job in Greggs (A bakery). Gary gave her a job working in one of his shops in town in a furniture shop. As I said in my last entry, Gary is very much an entrepeneur and as such, has a shop here and there throughout Liverpool and possibly all over the country, I'm not sure. Since my mum was able to get Laura a job, working for Gary, she said that she would ask him if there would be anything I could do. I'm not exactly holding my breath though and besides, i'm sure that he's not going to be wanting to hire the entire family!

My mum went out with him, Laura and Chris last night for a meal and she said that Gary and Chris were talking about business and how Gary needed a website setting up for his business. I said I could do it, but that's not a job. Well, it is, but it's only a one off thing and I want a proper job.

I'm not even sure if I'll actually go to this meal or not. I'm in that kind of mood where you'd just rather not do anything. Oh wait, i'm always in that mood aren't I...bad me.

I've been trying hard to communicate with my mum recently. It's a small, but important success. It's really hard work for me though, since even with my friends, I don't exactly talk and talk. It's a real effort to talk to anyone for me, simply because I might not have anything I want to say. I don't have a problem with me being a man of few words, it's just that so many other people do and it makes me feel like I have to change to suit their needs. But yes, i'm trying my best to communicate more with my mum.

In other news, I decided to do a surprise design for this person. I've been reading their diary for a while now and I absolutely detest Diaryland's own templates so I thought I'd help them out and design them a nice simple template for their entries. I left them a note and they were very pleased with it. I sent them instructions on how to put their new template in place. You can see the template here.

If I started working at that job I've been on about and worked there till the start of college, I've just worked out that I could earn something like �1400. Wow.
