I didn't really fancy going to college today, but I did, regardless of the fact that I only got about four hours sleep. I felt pretty ok when I woke up at 6am though - an hour early. I tried to get back to sleep, but couldn't.

Once in college I told Stan and Dave that I had something to show them tomorrow. I was referring to the Illustrator designs I'd done of them, but they didn't know this. Leanne suggested I show them them on the computers which are in the graphics classroom (the room which we were in). Good idea. So I did. Dave liked his a lot, as did Jamie.

College started off fairly well and I got going after a while on this new project we're doing, which is to design a CD cover, booklet and back cover. I've actually wanted to do this for a long time of my own accord anyway, but was waiting till I had enough material to use in the way of my own lyrics. I currently have 10 songs. I was hoping for about 15, but I guess 10 will do.

The way the brief is supposed to work is Photography > Graphic Design > Multimedia. That is, take a photo to use in your cover design, come up with some roughs in graphic design, then add text and whatnot in multimedia. However, it's proving hard, since i'm not quite sure what to take photos of for my album cover.

I spent an hour or two coming up with names for my album and I think I've settled on one. Use Once & Discard.

After spending some time coming up with names, I made an effort to get some cover layout roughs done, even though I hate doing layouts. I like to get straight into designing it on the computer, but of course if I was doing this for a client, they'd want to see rough ideas first before they'd be willing to part with their money for the finals.

Since this is all about lyrics, poetry and songs, I asked if anyone writes any. But no one said they did. I decided to show them the song I'd written a week or two ago. I asked Stan to read it to see what he thought, but I could tell that after half way down the poem he was getting uninterested in it and by the end of it, though he said it was good, I got the feeling he was just saying it out of obligation, rather than actually meaning it. I asked Leanne to read it too, but again, not much reaction. I'm really proud of that song so it kind of got me down a little that my work wasn't appreciated.

I began work on the cover, drawing 6 to scale boxes on a piece of A3 layout paper. I had a reasonable idea of how I wanted it to look, but I wasn't sure how I was going to incorporate a photo into it and indeed what this photo is going to be of. I still don't. I know that I could do all of the album design without ever taking a picture and it'd still look good, but it is a requirement of the brief that I must take pictures and incorporate them into the design somehow.

I was getting a little annoyed with myself by about 11am because I couldn't think of what I was going to take pictures of in relation to my album name. Like I say, I still don't. I was also getting annoyed because Dave and Jamie were being, well, themselves I guess. Really immature. It didn't help that the tiredness was kicking in. I remained quite quiet throughout the day.

12pm and it was lunch. We played pool in a local pub. I won once out of the two games I played. Even that was luck though, rather than skill. I haven't even played pool for a very long time.

I was pretty much ready to go home by this point because I was tired, and frustrated about the project. My only conselation is that Dave is in the same kind of position as me. However, I know that he'll just end up going out and taking pictures of absolute random stuff and he'll be able to get away with it because Alan, my photography teacher will let him get away with it. If i'm doing this project though, I want to do it right, which means getting the correct pictures. I don't like doing things by half. I hope I come up with some decent ideas soon. The whole project has to be completed by the end of February. Hopefully a spark of inspiration will hit me at some point.

By 3pm, I was absolutely ready to go home and I was extremely thankful that I had an excuse to go 40 minutes early, to go to my appointment with James. I'm sure they must all wonder why I always seem to have doctors appointments. I don't want to tell them what it's for really. It'd be too embarassing and just awkward.

I made my way to the hospital, about ten minutes late. Because I was tired, I didn't really feel like talking that much. Sometimes James goes off on a tangent. I just nod and say yes. I dunno, I just don't feel like I can totally open up to him, like I can with people I know online. I don't know how to say things like I do online.

I managed to twist my ankle as I was stepping onto the bus home and it fucking hurt a lot.

Got home, came online for a bit, went to bed for an hour, watched some TV, ate, wrote in diary, probably go to bed in an hour.

I have the wonderful lesson that is multimedia tomorrow with Tony. Oh joy. I was contemplating staying off instead, since I know that he won't be telling me anything I don't know. The only reason why I think I should go in is because he might have handouts or something that I may need as part of my coursework. As for the actual work, all it'll consist of is about 10 minutes of my time and I'll be done and then I'll be completely bored for the other two and a half hours i'm there. Of course, after those first ten minutes, he'll tell me to make more variations of what I've just done for no real reason other than he doesn't know what else to tell me. I'd rather him just give me every brief we've got to learn this year and I'd have them done in one lesson. I could do some challenging stuff then. But of course, he won't do that.

His argument is that everyone has to learn at the same speed. I don't see why. I don't see why I have to be held back when I could be using this time to excel in things I don't know about.

There is an inspector in tomorrow too. Not that it matters that much. Heh, maybe the inspector will see how bored I am and tell Tony to give me something harder. If only.

I guess I'll end up going tomorrow. I guess I'll spend bus fare and train fare going to a pointless lesson.

One thing that I must do tomorrow is get my hair cut, because it's becoming a mullet. And that is far from good.

And now I might go to bed.
