Ah, it's good to be back.

Since about two weeks ago, my computer has been freezing up at random times. I tried many different solutions, but none actually solved the problem. On Monday last week, my computer once again froze up and I was pretty much unable to get it working again. By Tuesday night I'd come to the conclusion that my computer was officially dead and had to call in reinforcements in the form of Chris, Laura's boyfriend who is a technical genius and whatnot.

Since my computer wasn't working, and it was switched off, my bedroom sounded so quiet. The hum of the fan inside the computer was no longer switched on and the only sound that was constant was cars and buses passing by on the road outside. And when it was time for me to go to bed, it was the quietest I've heard it for a long time.

I didn't go to college last week, except for Thursday. It was a bad move, since once I woke up, I didn't even have the computer to console me and actually fill my day with something. I had to resort to watching daytime TV.

Oh the torture.

I'd forgotten just how bad TV is. No matter what time of the day, it's always terrible.

I recieved a parcel on Wednesday which looked rather fun. I knew it was from Kyla, since it said on the front it was from Canada. When I opened it, I was greeted with numerous gifts, all wrapped individually in red wrapping paper, along with an envelope inside. I was about to open the letter, but then decided it against it and closed the box. I decided that I'd wait till I had the internet once more so I could talk to her and then open it so I just left it on my desk, eyeing it now and again, wondering what all of the gifts were.

On Thursday I decided that I'd go to college simply so I could actually email Hana and tell her why I wasn't online and if she'd email me back so I had something to look forward to on Tuesday, since I knew that I probably wouldn't get my computer back till at least then. I was going to send emails to everyone, but I didn't have that much time.

Chris came on the Thursday too to look at the computer and took it back to his. He called me a day or two later, saying that the problem was probably the motherboard, since it was apparantly leaking electrolite fluid. He said that he'd order another one for me and that it'd arrive either on Monday or Tuesday. Good enough, I know, but an entire weekend without a computer is terrible news for me.

So the weekend was spent without a computer, wondering if anyone was missing me online and missing talking to people like Hana. Even if I go one day without talking to that beautiful girl I feel like i'm missing out on something. As I've said so many times, everything is so much brighter when i'm talking to her.

Monday came, but sadly no new motherboard. By this point I was really really going out of mind. No college either. However, I did get a nice, welcomed call from Mel, asking me where I was. I explained my situation to her and she told me how everyone was worried about me. I was so thankful that she'd rang because it'd been just over a week since I'd actually talked to any of my online friends.

Tuesday I did go to college, once again simply so I could access my email and see if Hana had replied to my email. Instead, I found that I had numerous emails from people asking where the hell I was, not to mention loads of guestbook signings. And to everyone that did sign my guestbook and sent me emails I appreciated them a lot.

Tuesday, and Chris came, but still no motherboard. I asked him when it'd arrive and he said that it'd arrived and that I'd have my computer back by the end of the week. By now, I was almost used to not having a computer and watching crap TV.

Wednesday I went to my photography lesson, hoping to FINALLY photograph this stupid packaging. Of course, this was not to be and I spent the morning developing photos with the rest of them, even though they weren't my photos, since I wasn't in the lesson the week before.

After lunch, we were in the darkroom, developing photos. I found myself getting increasingly more and more bored and depressed as the time went on. I got very annoyed with myself because the developing I was doing was not working properly. Eventually, everyone began to leave and it was just me left, since I still hadn't produced anything. Louise helped me do it, but even with her help it was still turning out wrong. By this point, I felt pretty damn crap and just wanted to go home. I persisted for a while longer, but after Louise had gone off somewhere else, I decided that I was going. I felt terrible and just wanted out. I did make an effort to try and find her, but to no avail so I just left.

When I got home, I was ready to climb into bed and sleep for a few hours, but I found a note saying that I had to ring Chris, so I did. He said that he was about to format my C drive, because he was going to put the new motherboard in. Thankfully I'd already backed up everything so I gave the go ahead. He said he'd have it back to me the next day. However, after waking up three hours after I went to bed, I heard Chris leave some stuff on my stairs and so of course I immediatly got up and went to inspect. Ahh joy, he'd brought the PC back!

He set it all up and then tried to get the net working, but it wouldn't work. So, I rang my ISP to help me out with it, but after an hour of them trying to help, they said it was something that I had to ring Microsoft about. I told Chris this, but he was having none of it and after another 30 minutes of him trying to get it to work, he finally did and after 9 days of not having a computer, I finally do! I also have a nice brand new scanner, which I got Chris to get me along with the motherboard.

So last night was spent reinstalling all of my stuff. Of course, one of the first things I installed was MSN. It was about 11pm when I did appear on MSN though, so not everyone was online. Infact, no one was. However, after a while, Kyla appeared and she expressed how worried she'd been about me. We talked for quite some time. She even decided to ring me, after telling me that she'd tried four times and I didn't answer. She has a cute voice. I opened the package from her after a while. Wow, so many gifts inside! There were scented candles, nice stones, and a little plastic man with a parachute. Yes, a plastic man with a parachute. How strange.

She also sent me a CD of 17 songs which are all excellent. She has good taste in music. It was especially good, because I hadn't heard of pretty much all of the bands that were on the CD so it was nearly 17 songs that I hadn't heard before, but all likable.

And today, I've got to talk to my wonderful Hana! :D And that's what I've been waiting to do all of last week and this week. So it's all good. Hana :D

It's good to be back.
