Ah today was boring. Quite boring infact.

Brian taught us how to use two new tools in Illustrator. Admittedly, since I've always used Photoshop, Illustrator is something that i'm just as new to as the rest of the class are. The advantage being that Illustrator has the same kind of interface and buttons so I know my way around pretty quickly.

Basically the lesson was about playing around with these two new tools we'd just learnt about. He said to apply them to the playing cards we'd been making, but no one was doing so. I tried, but it looked stupid. I'd rather keep a playing card looking like a playing card, not have silly textured backgrounds on it making the symbols less clear.

Unfortunately, the printer was broke, meaning I couldn't print my cards out even though I'd finished all of them.

For some reason, Brian always lets us go early. And when I say early, I mean a whole hour early. And he did today too. We're supposed to be there from 1pm till 4pm, but we all left at 3pm. Maybe he just can't be arsed teaching us for three hours.

I stayed behind for ten minutes or so to email myself some photos which I'd taken a few weeks ago. I'd scanned them in earlier in the lesson and I wanted to have them on my computer so that I can show you lot as well.

And here they are:

Dave Easton, my ex-photography teacher, looking as happy as ever.

Stan and Jamie.

I also wanted to be a bit creative and use up my film, since it was the first roll that I'd put in my SLR camera.

This was taken in a fully lit corridoor and it turned out like this. I must of taken it at a high F Stop (less light entering the camera at higher F Stops). I think it looks cool.

This was taken in the same corridoor. I love this shot.

This shot was taken in a corridoor opposite. This is my favourite one.

I also edited the final one so it now looks like this. Nice?

So after I'd emailed my photos, I heard Brian talking with Alan, who is my new photography teacher, along with Louise. Alan was telling Brian about the sports competition that was set a few weeks ago. I interrupted and asked where I could see the winning photos and he said that he had them on disk so he showed me. They were really good, and yet so simple. For example, the overall winner was a group of really young boys playing football by the football stadium. That's what won. Nothing too complicated.

I was kind of disappointed in myself for not entering, but the shots that I took of Stan playing basketball were so boring compared to these.

After that I said bye to them both and walked out of college on my own, since the rest had already gone. I went to pick up my new photos that I'd taken yesterday. I was quite wary really of them being crap, because the last roll wasn't particularly good. What I found, however, was that I was pretty damn impressed with some of the shots. Out of 24, there are 15 I truly like. It's a lot better than the 4 I liked on the last film.

I sat down on some steps and looked through them all. I smiled at my work, acknowledging that I rock.

Not really.

I did think they were good though. I was surprised with myself. I can't wait to show Louise and Alan next Wednesday to see what they think. It'd be cool if, by next year, I had about 100 different sets of photos all original and good. That'd be great. Maybe I will get that distinction!

One last thing. I can finally talk about the present I got for Hana! It was her birthday about three weeks ago and I ordered her something from the internet which I thought she'd love. However, they emailed me back, saying they couldn't accept my Visa Electron card because apparantly it's 'swipe only' and they have to check my signature too. But that's completely wrong. Amazon accept Electron! I've ordered from Amazon before and it's not like they've written back and asked me to go show them my signature. It sucks.

So that idea was scrubbed.

I set about thinking what else I could get her and last Thursday, I walked past a shop that I walk past every day. It's got all kinds of cool stuff in there. Lots of hand crafted things, incense sticks, scarves, herbal teas, little trinkets, etc. It's a great shop and i'm glad I went in, because I found my present for Hana!

Have a look. I think it's lovely.

She recieved it today.

[17:45:29] I have great faith in garlic: OMG
[17:45:34] I have great faith in garlic: i love you i love you i love you
17:45:45] With every single letter, with every single word, there will be a hidden message about a boy who loves a girl.: HAHA YAY you got it
[17:45:48] I have great faith in garlic: i got teh parcel
[17:45:51] I have great faith in garlic: =DDDDDDDDDDDDDd
[17:45:56] With every single letter, with every single word, there will be a hidden message about a boy who loves a girl.: I'm so glad you like it
[17:45:59] I have great faith in garlic: I LOVE IT
[17:46:05] I have great faith in garlic: its the best present

