I didn't go to college in the end yesterday. I did, however, go today. Not that it was that much use though, since as i'm sure you know, Tuesday's lesson means Tony's multimedia lesson.

Since I've been off quite a bit, I've not managed to create my packaging yet, and design the advert which I'll use. Today's lesson was all about finding images to use in the advert, but my advert isn't going to have any background, just white, which kind of makes me searching on the internet for images pointless. But that's what I did.

I think Tony is realising that i'm capable of more than the rest of the class now, as he seems to treat me with a lot more respect than he did the first week. I mean for example, I think I spent at least thirty minutes talking to him about how to do my packaging and then the advantages of owning a Mac over a PC and various other things.

So, though I did go to college for just under three hours today, I have nothing to show for it. I'm glad I went though because now my sleeping patterns will be jolted into normality for tomorrow and Thursday.

Tomorrow, I have photography and although Dave, my photography teacher left just under three weeks ago, I've yet to meet my new teachers for the lesson. There's two, a man for the morning and a woman for the afternoon. We're supposed to be taking pictures of the boxes we've created. Of course, I have no box, which means no pictures. Problem.

I'm hoping that on Monday when I see Ed, he'll help me to build it in one day, Tuesday will be as pointless as ever, Wednesday I'll take pictures of it, and Thursday I'll use for creating the advert in Photoshop. Something like that anyway.

I showed Tony two of my websites that I'd created. He wasn't that impressed really, but then, neither am I. He asked if I got paid for making them. I said no and he said I should be getting paid. Heh, it'd be lovely to get paid, but it's not like I have clients wanting me to design them a website and graphics.

Tony is very money-orientated. I'm sure he'd do everything he could to make more money. For example, although he thinks pop-up advertisments are annoying on the internet (which we all know they are), he'd still make them if someone offered him money for them. I definitely wouldn't. Ok so I might not make a big difference to how many pop ups are shown on the net, but I'd still make a difference, I'd like to think. I'm not in it for the money, i'm in it because I like challenges and I like art and I'd like more people to see my work.

After college I walked back to the station, getting something to eat on the way, before deciding to stay in town a little longer and listen to a busker playing the trumpet while I ate and watched Liverpool rush passed me. I went home after about 30 minutes.

I showed Dave and Jamie Little o while in multimedia. They found it hilarious. It was great seeing them laugh because of something I'd made. Of course, they also laugh at pretty much anything so maybe it's not so much of a compliment...

The latest strip is up by the way. Number 11!

Right now i'm feeling so tired. I really want to get in bed and sleep, but I know I can't, for if I do, I won't go to sleep tonight. I'm trying so very hard to stay awake but it's proving difficult, because as the night goes on, i'm feeling more depressed.

That's it for now.
