6am bedtime. 11am uptime. Urgh. I feel blah. Definitely going back to bed, especially after just eating 6 buns with bacon on them.

Who ate all the buns? Who ate all the buns? This fat bastard, this fat bastard! *two thumbs up*.

Melissa rang me last night. Aww she's so incredibly cute. She's intent on me coming out there some time early next year and I want to too. The problem is getting the money to do so, but I guess I've got a while yet to sort that out. First thing I need to do is get a passport; I've already got all the paperwork, just need a co-signatory and i'm not quite sure who to ask. Apparantly it can't be a member of your family.

So, passport is kind of covered. Next thing would be the money, then booking it, then being scared as fuck, being worried that I'll miss the flights, wherever they may be.

She has a lot of ideas when i'm out there. She also says that I am staying 'no less than two weeks'. Sounds great! She said that I don't have to worry about accomodation either, because I can stay with her. I feel guilty about that because I don't wanna put her out or something. But yeah, it'll be nice staying with her. Being in America!

Amazing Travelling Neil (tm)
