So yesterday, I went to town with the intention of buying t-shirts and jeans.

Firstly, I had to go and get my money out the bank, but I couldn't find it so I asked a security guard. He didn't know either, so, being the extemely kind guy he was, he got the yellow pages out, rang their head office and asked for it. Very nice of him! I soon found it.

Then to the shops I went. I only looked in two though because to be honest, I have no idea where to look. I'm not a shoppy person.

I bought this, this and this. I didn't get any jeans. I wanted jeans. No jeans. Bah. Stupid 'low fitting' things. They feel like they're not pulled up properly. I don't want jeans that feel like they're around my ankles.

I got back at 4:30pm. The gokarting was at 5pm. I couldn't be arsed going so I rang Rachel (my case manager thingy) and cancelled. Ah you can moan at me all you like, I don't care. I didn't go, even though all you people told me to go. Oh well. I don't regret not going.

And then there's today.

Today was GOOD. Oh yes.

Last night, I was talking to a girl named Debbie, who I've known for a about three weeks via Faceparty. Debbie is 16 and she's from Liverpool. She has blonde hair, green eyes and is about 5' 6". She fancies me a lot, according to her. I like her too. Today, we met!

12:30pm, in town. I got there about ten minutes early though and I didn't want her to walk up to me; I wanted to walk up to her, so I kind of hid till 12:30pm. I saw her though, but I wasn't sure if it was actually her. By 12:27, I decided to go see if it was and yes, it was. I was pleasantly surprised to see that she was bloody nice looking! I'd only seen two very small pictures of her and I was pretty scared that I wouldn't fancy her, but she was actually really nice. We hugged, then started walking and talking.

She had to go buy a book for her mum and then give in some CV's. I didn't really feel nervous at all. After that, we started walking to the docks.

Once there, I could feel her searching for my hand as we walked and she ended up holding it. It felt really nice, walking and holding hands with her.

It was pretty warm and I was wearing my jacket. She said take it off, but I didn't see the point really because I'd only have to carry it still. Also, I was a bit weary of taking it off because I didn't want her to see my arms, since I'd not told her about how they looked. She started taking it off for me and I just let her and she carried it for me. She didn't see my arms at first though, till we sat down a few minutes later.

We were on a long stretch of walkway, which looked out onto the sea. As we sat down, I put my arm around her and we smiled at each other, talking some more. Then there was a little bit of silence and I couldn't resist any longer; I leant in and pressed my lips against hers, both of us closing our eyes, as my hand came to her face, caressing her cheek. God, it felt good. All that touch! It was lovely. We smiled at each other and went back to watching the waves. She cuddled up next to me, while I was stroking her arm, talking about all kinds of stuff. Then she asked me about my arms, as I was holding one of her hands. I simply told her the truth and she inquired further. I didn't mind telling her.

We must of stayed there for about an hour. At one point she was laying on my lap. It was lovely.


After about an hour, we got up. She went over to the rails and looked out onto the waves. I came up behind her, putting my arms around her waist, leaning my head on her shoulders and kissing her cheek. You have no idea how that feels for me. It's priceless.

We walked back to town and to McDonalds where we both bought something to eat, then walked back to the docks, but stopped at an open stretch of grass and lay on there together, cuddling close, kissing, running my hands over her. I have no idea how long we stayed there, but it felt like ages. In a good way.

By 4pm, she said she had to go. The bus stops are right by the place we were sitting and her bus happened to already be there so I kissed her quickly and she got on. I waved goodbye to her as her bus drove off.

Today was good.

Will I be meeting her again? Damn right I will be!

I told you August was gonna be good, did I not? How's that for a premonition! :D
