Angry. Upset. Two words which I feel right now.

They're still at it. They're still reading my diary. But it's not who I thought it was.

It's Laura.

It's my own fucking sister who's doing it. There is no doubt about it this time. I know with 100% certainty that my sister has been reading my diary. I feel sick. I want to go tell her to stop, but I don't know how to. It's wrong damnit. What the hell happened to my privacy?

You wanna know how I know?

All of the images you see on this diary are hosted by me. I use a program called Sambar to host them on my computer. Each time someone logs onto my diary, Sambar logs each request for one of the pictures to load onto the persons computer - including mine. E.G., whenever I look at my own diary, Sambar logs my ip address for every image that loads.

Laura goes on the computer from 7 till 9pm usually. In this time, i'm *usually* sitting on my bed. However, tonight I went down for something to eat and was downstairs till 7:45pm. Laura shortly got off the net at 7:50pm, since Chris was coming.

When I got on, I looked at Sambar to see my own IP address logged from 7:40pm to 7:42pm - Just before I happened to be coming up the stairs. Now, since it's not me who logged onto my diary, using my computer in that time, it is, of course, Laura.

I feel so fucking hurt.

I don't know how to tell her to stop. I feel so angry inside, and yet all I want to do is cry.

This entry might not be here by tomorrow. I might delete it. But then, maybe I should leave it intact, so she can see it and know how I feel about it all. Please help me. Help me convey my hurt to her.

This is so wrong.
