Feeling a bit better today. I don't feel as suicidal. Don't feel like I need die.

Always good.

I went to bed last night at 1am and woke up at 7:30am. Pretty normal, considering it's me. I doubt it'll last of course. Infact, I hope it doesn't. 7:30am is too early and 1am is too early for bed. I'll probably end up going back to bed for an hour or so later on.

My appointment with James on Wednesday was pretty boring. I didn't even feel like going in the first place. He rang MIND while I was there to see what was happening with my money. The guy on the other end said he'd call me once I was home.

James told me to look up support sites and things to do in Liverpool. No idea what though.

Got home, and that guy rang me. He said that the DSS had mislayed my file and it had been sent to Southport for some reason and he'd get onto it. He also said he'd call me the next day, but he didn't. James rang a bit later on and I told him he hadn't rang back so James said he'll ring him and see what's happening.

I'm really worried that I won't get my back pay. It's in excess of �1500. The guy (I think his name is John) said I would though. I hope so. I really need money. I need to buy some new clothes. I'm growing out of the ones I currently own. I don't even have money to get to town in the first place and my bank balance is still stuck at -�28. I'm just really thankful that I don't seem to be paying much interest on it, since I got a statement on Tuesday and it said that I'd only paid 50p for a month on it.

I want to thank Christina for sending me an email offering her support and concern. It was really appreciated.

I think my mum will have realised that I haven't been 'visible' over the past few days. I've spent nearly every moment of my waking hours in my room, not going downstairs to eat or drink. I just wanted to stay on my own. But of course, she'll no doubt say something about it. She'll think i'm avoiding her or simply being lazy. I'm trying to prepare myself for the next big blowout she'll have at me. I guess I can't prepare though, really.

I try to stand up for myself, but she's so ignorant of what i'm trying to say to her that it only results in her shouting at me more. To be honest, when she does do it, it feels like i'm being bullied again. It feels like i'm back in school and there is someone who is verbally abusing me. I feel as if my mum is a bully towards me.

This layout sucks.
