Very nervous about tomorrow. I forced myself to get up two hours earlier than usual today, to at least attempt to get to sleep a bit earlier tonight and hence, get up tomorrow earlier so I actually catch the train.

When I think about this, I get butterflies in my stomach.

Nothing is going to happen, nothing is going to happen. I can't let it. It wouldn't be fair on her. On me. No.

Lisa told me she was 15 today, not 16. She thought I'd think of her differently. But, like i'm gonna change how I feel about her because she's one year younger. I still think she's lovely.

I made a new layout for Jess last night. It's not up yet, but, you can preview it before even Jess's fans get to see it by going here. Aren't I kind?

It's Ann's birthday tomorrow. Please wish her a happy one. I know she'll probably have a happy one though because apparantly she's found a boyfriend and i'm happy for her, though I am jealous as well. If I don't speak to you tomorrow Ann, then I hope you have/had a great birthday :)
