Is it me or do I update my diary a lot less these days?

Pretty average days since Monday. Nothing particularly interesting. Sleeping patterns slowly getting back to normal, except it's my normal, not yours.

Saturday night, I was rather bored. An idea popped into my head - a bad one. Online gambling! I found a casino, gave my card details and proceeded to lost a *lot* of money. At least �50. I didn't play it again. I then bought a game for �15.

The night before last, I done the same thing. Bad, I know. I signed up for another casino, downloaded the software, entered my details and deposited �20. I then selected roulette to play. Bet �1 on black and clicked spin. Woo, I won. Played again. Wow I won again. Played again. Damn, lost. Played again, played again played again.

After about 20 minutes of this I was up by about �5 and since I am a very big gambler, I put a �5 bet on instead of �1. I won it. I won again. I won again. My account was actually filling up with money and I was winning a *lot*. �30. �55. �75. �100! All from just �20.

I had to keep going. I was now betting �25 bets. Losing some, but mostly winning them. I must of done this for at least an hour or two. I kept winning.

By the time three hours were up, I was on SIX HUNDRED POUNDS. �600 from spending �20! I was sitting there stunned, but I couldn't stop. I kept gambling. Lost. Lost. Win. Lost. Lost. Lost. I began losing the money. In another two hours, I was back down to �20. In another 10 minutes, I had �0. I couldn't believe I'd just lost �600.

I deposited another �40.

Bad, I know.

I lost it. Bad, I know.

So in total, on gambling, I've spent wasted around �100 of my own money. I'm pathetic.

And the worst thing? I want to open it up and deposit more money right now.
