Notice how a lot of my diary entries recently are actually in the day rather than late at night? No, I didn't think you did, but they are.

Why? Because of this head related..thing.

Last night I was all up for staying awake till the early hours of the morning, but at 9pm, as my last entry details, I found myself with partial vision and so by 9:30pm I was in bed. Great huh? Then, at 12am, I heard the doorbell going and someone banging on the door. I had no idea who it was at first but then I realised it was my mum who I thought was staying in Paul's, her boyfriends. I was hoping Laura would hear and get up but no, she didn't, so though my head was pounding, I reluctantly got up and let her in, then went back to bed.

It's now 11:20am and I woke up an hour ago. I tried to go back asleep but when you've been in bed for 10 or so hours already, it's pretty hard. Once I did get up I saw that I had two messages from people on MSN. Rachel and Bre. To both of you, I do apologise for not being online to talk to you. I want to! Sadly, my body has other ideas, namely making me feel crap. Hopefully I'll get to speak to both of you soon.

So. 11:20am. Time to sit here till it's time to go bed again.

