So i'm feeling pretty crappy, as Christmas draws nearer. It's inevitable. I always do. The feelings of lonliness get that much worse.

People still don't believe me when I say I have no friends. They think i'm exaggerating. "Surely you must have someone?", they'll usually say. No, really, I don't have anyone currently, sadly.

Life just sucks.

More news about the attack on me now.

My mum rang the doctors this morning and booked me an appointment for Wednesday. I don't particularly need to see him really, but it'll all help in the case against him. She also rang James and told him about it all. He said he'd see me on Wednesday also.

Life sucks.

Why does it always rain on me? Everyone's life seems to be getting better for them, but not mine. Mine just gets worse. A dissapointed here, a let down there, a headbutt here, no social life there.

Oh, thanks for the kind messages left in my notes and my guestbook. I really do appreciate it when people sign or note me.

Oh and I didn't go to town after all today. It was raining and I couldn't be arsed. I'll go on Wednesday before I see James.

Life sucks. Did I tell you that?

