As you can see, I have a new layout, again. Like it? I do. It's better than the previous one. The previous one was just too..nice. I'm sorry to anyone who views my diary in anything less than 1024x768.

So it's Sunday. I decided to go to town after all today. I was going to get my poster printed off and a few other things. However, once I got to the station, I missed the train by seconds and so I had to wait in the (very) cold weather for 30 minutes.

While waiting, I saw a cat walking right next to the railway lines that looked near exactly like Oogee. For a moment, my heart was in my mouth. I was wondering how the hell he'd managed to walk to the station when it's not like it's close by. Thankfully, I then realised it wasn't him at all. I watched it walk about, I called to it and it looked up at me on the platform, only to go back to being curious about it's surroundings. He amused me till the train came. Thankfully by this time he'd moved further up so was in no danger of being squished.

When I got to town, I headed up to the print shop, but sadly, it was closed! All the way to town for nothing. I needed to go to the art shop too but that was closed as well! ARGH.

I can't tell you why I needed to go into the art shop because it affects someone who reads this diary. I'll tell you in time though. I did manage to get what I wanted, but in another shop.

So after being dissapointed twice, I decided that if i'm to be in town, I must buy something so I bought a small graphics tablet. It's handy for little doodles, but not much else. �30. I'm not sure if I'll keep it or not, though.

I then headed on to HMV to have a look at the computer games and for a second, I was tempted to buy Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, but decided against it, because i'm saving up to buy a nice big monitor instead.

Went back to the station to come home, only to hear an announcement that the train was cancelled so I had to wait another thirty minutes for the train home, and then another 20 minutes once back in Kirkby for a cab home.

Once home, I set to work on creating something in the kitchen. Again, classified. It didn't work quite right though and so it got scrapped, however, using another method, it worked out perfectly and i'm quite pleased with it. Don't worry, I'll fill you in soon.

It's college tomorrow. Or rather, it should be college tomorrow. Whether I'll actually go or not is debatable really isn't it? I'm gonna try though. I really don't want to get kicked off this course and be left with nothing once again. Even though the course doesn't exactly fascinate me, it's gotta be better than sitting here all day, every day for the rest of my life.

As for my hair, well, it's not exactly annoying me no more, but I definitly still don't like it. "It's growing on me", my mum said to me in regards to me. "Yeah? Well I wish it'd grow on *me*!", I said to her, joking. Really, this look does not sit well with me and I'll be glad when my hair is back to it's normal self.

In happy happy happy news, I'll be meeting Katie this Wednesday! I can't wait. It's gonna be SO lovely meeting her at long last. Woo.

And so to bed.

