I've been doing homework for four hours since 8pm. Woo.

Q1: What do you understand by the term "Cross-media ownership"? Feel free to answer.

There was 6 questions altogether and I answered the last one around 11:30pm. It took so long answering them because I was talking to people online as well, namely Katie and I mean, how can I not talk to someone who is as lovely as her, regardless of if I've got homework or not! :D

So, another week of college starts tomorrow. First lesson of the day: Marketing. Oh so fun.

Can you tell where the sarcasm began?

Another week wondering why Lauren won't talk to me too.

In other news, my dear friend Ann came online on MSN today for the first time in ages! Well, the first time we've both been on at the same time anyway. Ann is cool, even though she doesn't think so. She said she was coming over to the UK in four weeks and I really want to meet her however, she said her grandmother won't let her out of her sight and it might prove a bit difficult to meet her.

But I want to damnit!

She'd only be less than four hours away from me by train and that's nothing compared to the enjoyment that I'd get from giving her a big hug, even if it were for maybe just an hour or two.

I also talked to my darling, cos she is my darling hehe.

Liam said that payment for QOL is nearing and may come sometime this week. �1750 oh so close to me! I can't wait. It'll be like christmas come early.

He also said he may have a �70,000 project lined up for us, but i'm not getting my hopes up about that. The �1750 is guaranteed though! And it'll all be mine soon!

I should really be in bed now. I should of really been in bed about two hours ago. I don't notice time going by.

The hall has been painted. I don't like it. Because I don't like it, my mum and Laura don't like me for it, since they do like it. Every time I walk in the hall it looks like i'm in a bowl full of custard. That's what it reminds me of, custard. Of course, I never got a say in what colour I'd like it, but then again, I would of said I wasn't bothered about it anyway.

But custard?

