
5-8-02 12:44pm

Just got on the train to Liverpool. Also just realised that I put two pairs of trousers in my bag, but only one shirt. Oh well, it'll do I guess. I meant to put some long sleeve t shirt in the bag, but as always, I always mess up whenever I go somewhere.

I really like this shirt that i'm wearing. Makes me look smarter. It's quite strange the way you can change your look by changing your shirt and nothing else. I think it makes me feel different too. I feel smarter as well as look it.

I'll write more on the next train.



I saw a lovely girl on the Kirkby train. She was so cute. Reminded me a bit of Natalie Imbruglia. Had lovely hair and eyes. I kept looking over at her. She was talking to her three friends. She didn't see me looking at her though. Everytime I thought she looked over, I'd look somewhere else. Guess that's kind of silly if I want to get her attention isn't it?

I was really thinking about going up to her and telling her that I thought she was nice looking once we got off the train. Of course I didn't, though. I did attempt to smile at her. Well, that's a lie. I tried smiling in general, but not at her.

Although I've had two failed attempts at this 'smiling at girls you think are nice', I will complete my mission of getting one of them to smile back. I'm gonna keep it up till someone does, even if that's all that comes of it. Of course it'd be great if anything more happened.

I'm at Wigan now in the waiting room. No one else is in here. Rather like the time I wrote about in my last entry. Unfortunately, I don't think nice girls are gonna come in this time.

There's 5 minutes till my train comes in. Here's hoping.



Ha, some 50 year old woman came in the waiting room. Don't think my wish came true exactly!



I realise that i'm staying on the topic of nice looking girls, but see there was one standing on the opposite platform just now. I think she was about 20. I looked over a few times and she glance at me, same as always. If I could just hold up that look for a few more seconds maybe something more than a quick glance from her would happen.

I was gonna smile at her from the train I've just got on, but I couldn't find any seat close enough to see her. I'm sure I must sound rather obsessed by now about this, but honestly, i'm not. This is both a task for me to have more self confidence and it's also an experiment to see how well people communicate visually with each other. So far, the results aren't exactly great. 3 girls, no smiles.

Maybe I should start a little graph or something.

Maybe I am obsessed.


8-8-02 6:02pm

It's been nice few days with Natalie. In about 15 minutes, I'll be arriving into Wigan, where I'll get another train to Liverpool.

Yesterday was good. I got to meet Jen and Alan (two of Nat's friends). We all went bowling (two games, I came second and last), a meal at somewhere called Walkabout (Australian) and the Cinema to watch Austin Powers in Goldmember. It was Natalie's birthday so that's why we done all that.

Bowling was fun, even if I did do rather crappy. I don't have very strong wrists/arms so rolling a heavy ball isn't the easiest thing to do. I kept to No.6 and No.8 balls, since the heavier ones were, well, too heavy!

After that we went to Walkabout for something to eat. At first I was worried that I wouldn't like anything on the menu because it all seemed to be spiced and I hate spicey stuff. Thankfully, they had good old reliable chicken so I got that on a burger, along with chips, bacon, egg and pineapple. Just thinking about that makes me want to eat it again! I managed to eat it all bar the last bite of burger. Otherwise I may well have exploded.

Then it was off to the cinema to watch Austin Powers. SUCH a funny film. I've seen the first and thought that was cool. This one was better. Easily worth paying for the ticket!

By then it was around 9pm. Me and Nat said goodbye to Jen and Alan and got a cab home. It was nice just being out with friendly people and having a good time with them. They did want me to go clubbing with them, but that wouldn't be very enjoyable, even though the idea of doing it is.

It was also nice to get a hug off someone, even though I want a lot more off someone.

Natalie waited with me while my train came in to Glasgow Central at 3:30pm. I was gonna get one at 5pm, but we couldn't think of anything to do and Natalie gets agitated very easily so instead I got the 3pm one.

I bought a book of plain paper and a few pencils so I could draw on the train...also literally heh. I left 'NM02' next to my seat.

In the book, I drew my hand. Not quite happy with the thumb though. I redrew it at least 3 times, but couldn't get it quite how I wanted. It also doesn't help that the train rocks about, making me smudge. Still, it kept me occupied for 30 minutes or so and then I listened to Martin Grech - Open Heart Zoo. That was another 65 minutes. Currenty i'm listening to a free CD I got with OHZ. Basically just a compilation of upcoming releases from new and old bands. It has Silverchair - Across The Night on it. Good song.

I'm at Preston now. Wigan is next. I should get into Liverpool around 7:40pm or something like that. I should get home about 8:30pm, plenty of time to watch X-Files at 9pm.

Now begins the wait to find something new to look forward to.

I'm hungry.

