Just back from town. I like it when I spend.

Before I get onto that, I finally went the post office to send the keyboard back. It cost �6.50 just to send it back! They better refund the �35.

As soon as I reached the post office, I remembered that I hadn't brought my Giro thingie with me so I couldn't get my money out. I shall have to do it on Monday before I go to Glasgow.

I think my mum must be PMS'ing or something the amount of moaning she's been doing. Of course, it's all at me, so maybe it's got nothing to do with that.

Back to today then...

Woke up around 11am, feeling ok and ready to go to town. I got a shower and dressed and I began to feel rather tired again and I thought I was gonna go back to bed. Still, I found the energy to get ready to go.

It's really nice today. Very sunny. Very hot. My clothes and this heat do not go together. Thick jeans, long sleeved top and a leather jacket...not good.

The sweat was already pouring down me and I hadn't eve got out the house yet.

I decided that the only alternative was to wear the stuff I wear around the house. T-Shirt, thin cargo trousers. Unfortunately, I then remembered that in order to wear these things, I needed to wear trainers instead of boots and my trainers don't fit. So that was the end of that.

I got rechanged into my black stuff and contemplated sweating to death.

Ask the taxi arrived to take me to the station, my mum said take her credit card with me for money to have a look for trainers. See, it's this that confuses me. She'll have a go at me, then she'll be all nice the next day.

Anyway, I took her card, along with mine and �40 I already had. I knew I had �145 in the bank to use also.

I told myself that I would smile more and particular, should I see anyone that I liked, try to get eye contact and smile at them. That didn't happen though.

I stopped at the cash machine and used my card to get another �40 out.

I then headed for TopMan to get some new jeans and found them relatively easily. I also decided that it was time to try a slightly new look and I picked out three short sleeve shirts. It means that I can still black trousers and my boots and if necessary, my jacket.

I added it all up and it was quite a fair bit. I realised I needed more money so I put the shirts somewhere I thought they wouldn't move and hid the trousers under a shelf.

On my way back to the cash machine, this guy stopped me. I had seen him on my way to TopMan. He was holding a folder with something about helping children. I don't like ignoring people who try to stop me. I just can't help it.

He explained what he was trying to do and I was happy to give. To be honest, although I care about what the money is for, I didn't really care about him explaining it all. I said I'd give after he'd finished explaining and he produced a form. He began filling it in, asking me for my name, address etc. Then halfway down the page it said about monthly donations and that's when I'd misunderstood.

He was asking for monthly donations, but I just wanted to give a one time thing. I asked if I could just give something there and then, but he said he wasn't allowed to take cash. I felt really guilty then. I shook his hand and said I was really sorry I couldn't help out and headed on to the cash machine.

I got another �40 of my money out and �40 of my mum's.

Since I was feeling kind of guilty now about saying I couldn't help that guy, I decided to try and avoid him. I know it's an awful thing to do, but well, yeah.

Back at TopMan I found my stuff again and went to the checkout. "That's �112", the cashier said. "Bloody hell, didn't realise", I thought to myself. Still, I had the money on me so I paid and I was happy with what I'd bought.

After that I went back the station. On the way out of TopMan, I saw A few people I knew. I said hi to them and one said hi back (his name is Chris. Chris is a friend from School/Kirkby College). The others looked rather bemused.

On the escalator down to the station platform, I was thinking about how I'd failed in my 'smile more' task. In just another second, a girl who I thought looked nice got on the escalator going. I think she looked over, so I gave a smile. I doubt she was actually looking at me, rather just looking over in my direction. I guess it's a first step for me though, smiling at strangers. Maybe one day it'll pay off.

So today has been good. I got nice clothes. The downfall of that of course is that I've just spent �80, leaving me with just �60 odd, in the bank. That's not good. I had �145 this morning! Still, buying things usually does cost money.

I'll get �60 on Monday, but �40 of that will be going on a train ticket, which means I'll have to withdraw again, since I don't like being short of cash in hand.

When I do something, I don't half do it well don't this case, spending money :s...

