This entry was going to be one of frustration and anger at the fact that last night at around 3am, my soundcard decided to not work on me.

I spent the next hour trying to fix it but to no avail. I also felt very dizzy and hot and so I went to bed shortly afterwards, almost hoping that it had been a nightmare and that my sound was fine. Of course it wasn't and I've spent a while trying to figure out why the hell it went wrong.

However, in the past few minutes, I've just fixed it. A loose soundcard, that's all. Thank God.

So this entry is one relief than frustration.

I talked to Claire on MSN earlier on. She is thinking about crash dieting, and I told her all the bad points about doing so. She doesn't think she looks nice, yet I think she looks gorgeous. I wouldn't fancy her otherwise.

I talked to her on the phone as well for about an hour and it's always nice to hear her voice.

Unfortunately, because of her medication she's on, she can't cum. I'm so glad that my medication doesn't give me that problem. I wish there was something I could do for her that would make her able to cum, but there isn't. There are medications that counteract that side effect of her current pills, but in order to get that, she'd have to make an appointment at the doctors and to do that she'd have to tell her mum why she wanted to go the doctors and she's too embarrassed about it. I would be too.

Still, it won't stop us having a lovely time together next weekend. It's not like we can't kiss or hug and just be together, which is the best thing.

I have to try and get into a better sleeping pattern by Monday so I can go to college. I can't stay off another week (as much as I'd like to). So, in the space of one day, I have to go from getting up at 6pm, to getting up at 7am.

How i'm going to do that, I have no idea.


