I didn't go into college yesterday, or today. This "feeling tired all the time no matter how much I sleep" thing is really getting annoying now, since I do want to go to college, but my body won't let me.

I had all intentions of going in on Monday, but when 7am came, my body just wasn't up for it and so I fell back asleep. Same as today.

I know Anna is gonna have a go at me. I do have some sort of response to her though. When I do go in, I'll tell her about James Riley writing to my GP about this tiredness and about him asking him about some kind of medication for it. I'm hoping that will be enough to make Anna not go into the "even if you feel tired you should come in" talk. Or the "this is your chance to get on the road to a job and I'd hate to see you miss it". Those kind of talks. I know all that. It doesn't help by her repeating it to me. I know she's only got my best interests in mind, but it gets so annoying when everyone is telling me the same thing.

I'm seeing James Riley tomorrow. My mum is coming too, since she's never actually met him before. She just wants to see what he's like. Since i'm going there, it means that I won't be going to college again tomorrow either. I intend to go in on Thursday, though, and at least then I have something to say in my defence why I've been off. As I said, the thing about him writing to my GP should hold it's ground as well.

I find myself loving Claire more, the more i'm away from her. Maybe that sounds strange. I mean, I love her when i'm with her of course, but when i'm away from her, I miss her so much. It's like there's something missing in my life when she's not around. She is the something that has been missing in my life for years. She makes me feel loved and she is my someone to love. When i'm away from her, the care and love I have for her are brought to the front of my mind, since the longing to be with her is the only thing on my mind most of the time. I'm always thinking of her. I think of her when I wake up, I think of her when I go to sleep. Being away from her makes me love her. Being with her makes me happy.

I'm still appreciating the fact that I have sound back on my computer. It's so nice to be able to listen to music on my PC again. Infact, tomorrow once I've been to see James, I think I might go into town and buy Ejay, which is a music maker for the PC. I've wanted that for a while. I like making music.

It's less than 14 days now till Claire is here with me in my room for five days. Five days with her. It's such a nice thought.

I have a nice PUSSY.

