Today was easy. Today, all I done for the most part was sit in front of a computer not doing a whole lot.

Although I was supposed to be in at 11am for Media for an hour, my alarm didn't go off and I ended up being woken up by my mum at 11am. I was kind of hoping something like that would happen, because really, I couldn't be bothered going in at 11 anyway.

So I went in at 1pm instead and got on with some work. I drew a portrait from a book, but it looked awful. I did a profile portrait yesterday which I really like and I think I'll use that in my exam.

I went the computer room and scanned it in. I wanted to create the face out of musical notes, but I don't really feel comfortable on those computers. For one, they're very slow and two, I like being at my computer, and I know where everything is and whatnot. Although I spent around 3 hours there, I didn't actually do anything really. I ended up saving the image to disk and bringing it home with me.

Tomorrow is a sort of mock test in preparation for the real one on Monday. The real test is 10 hours long and this mock one is 5. I have to come up with an image for tomorrow. Some sort of composition. I'm still not sure how i'm gonna do it, or even what i'm gonna use to make it (ie pencil/paint). I really like working with pencil, but now that I've had the idea of creating a face out of musical notes, perhaps paint would be better. Who knows.

On the way out today, I told Anna that I hadn't produced anything in the computer room and that I was taking the image home with me to work on, and that I'd have something by tomorrow. I explained to her my fears of Monday and how I think I'll do terribly. She said not to worry, and if worst comes to worst, she can apparantly give me more time to do more preparation work if she thinks I need it. That made me relax slightly, but still, a lot of works needs to be done.

Also, she said she wants to look at my coursework tomorrow. Coursework? What coursework!? I hardly have any at all. I am very behind in it.

She tells me not to worry? I have every reason to.

