I know I haven't updated, but really, there was no reason to because I didn't have anything of interest to say. Nothing happened to me that was worthy of an entry in my diary.

Today is though.

Claire got my Valentine's card today. I was happy about that. It was one of those big ones, you know, one that comes with a cardboard envelope? Yeah, one of them :). It had a bear holding a heart on the front and was pink.

When I bought it, I felt like people were thinking "he's trying to make up for something" and laughing as they walked past or something. I wasn't too bothered though, since I am not making up for that ;).

I wrote it out in the post office, since I didn't know where else to write it out. I was in the middle of town and place to write Valentine's cards out aren't really in great supply. I found a space in the post office to write it out and inside I wrote "To my gorgeous girlfriend" and then an arrow pointing to what it said in the card, which was things like "You're brilliant" and "You're wonderful" I read down them till I found a space to write "From Neil"...and at the bottom, it said "Happy Birthday!". Happy Birthday!? I'd gotten a bloody birthday card! I paniced for a minute and thought "Doh!". I couldn't exactly take it back the shop, because I'd already written in it so I crossed birthday out and wrote Valentine's underneath. What else was I supposed to do?

I wrote the envelope out and handed it in the counter, hoping that the address I'd written on the envelope was the right one. Thankfully it was, and she's been happy all day because of the card :D.

I get to see her tomorrow till Sunday. Yay! I also get to give her the present that I also bought her in town for Valentine's day. I was gonna send it at first, but then I thought not, because I want to see her face when she sees what it is. It's nothing rude or anything, but it's extremely cute and I know she wants one, even though she doesn't. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit strange, but she can't remember seeing it. I can, so I went and got her one :D.

I haven't seen Claire for two weeks, but it seems so much longer than that. In less just over 12 hours, I'll be able to hold her in my arms and kiss her till Sunday. How better can someone spend their weekend? It's perfect.

So, I'll see you Sunday, or if I can't be bothered updating then, Monday. In which case it'll be after college, because I WILL GO TO COLLEGE MONDAY NO MATTER WHAT!!! My exam is next week, so even though I know I'll fail it, I'll have to go.

I've done no prep work for the exam and that counts towards 60% of the mark. Great eh? Oh well. If I fail I fail.

Oh, and another thing: I know that more than 5 people read my diary, because otherwise I wouldn't get 30+ hits a day, yet only 5 people have signed my guestmap? *sobs* Why??? Do you like anonymity so much? Sign, make me smile!

Forget that anyway till next week. I'm thinking about hugging Claire :D.


