I woke up this morning at 9:40am with a banging head. So much so that I felt sick and I was in the bathroom for around 15 minutes trying to cough my lungs up.


I was looking forward to going into college, but in the state I was, I definitly couldn't do it.

I went back to bed and tried to fall asleep, although it was very hard because of my damn head.

I woke up (i'm not sure when) and felt really sick. I could feel my stomach getting ready to throw up. I immediatly got up, but couldn't make it to the bathroom, so I had to throw up in my bin which is not exactly a nice thing to do...although thrwing up isn't a nice thing to do in itself.

My head is still banging now, and I know it will be until the end of tomorrow.

So basically, I've been feeling crap all day.


