Today was very boring. Our class went to a stich museum. Thankfully, I had Kirsty to keep me company.

We stayed there for 3 hours and then came home. Kirsty, Me, Jenny, Catherine and Lee stayed in town and just sat in a cafe.

I started feeling really depressed. I don't know why. It was easily visible as well. I didn't make any attempts to hide it. I didn't have the energy to. Jenny asked if I was ok and I said no. She asked what was up and I said nothing. Guess that's a contradiction.

Kirsty asked me as well and once again I said nothing was wrong.

After they'd finished their drinks, we all left the cafe, but Kirsty pulled me to one side outside and asked what was up. I said that I was feeling lonely. She has no idea how much I feel this way.

I was very quiet for the rest of the time I was with them. I didn't say much at all. I just followed them wherever they went.

I said goodbye to them both when I was going home and I hugged Kirsty and Catherine. Hugs that I wanted to last longer than just a second. I wanted to be held.

Right now, i'm feeling depressed, lonely and tired and i'm gonna go to sleep to see if it helps any.

I am so lonely. No one understands.

