Ok, so I know I haven't updated this in a few days but I just haven't had the energy to.

I've always been too tired when I come home from College. I mean last night I got in bed at 5pm for a few hours cos I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Anyway, College. College is going good. Catherine is still 'in love' with me (her words, not mine). She's just not someone who I'd like to go out with.

Kirsty is as fine as ever. She's just totally gorgeous.

I finally have my computer back...but it has no sound. I hatenot being able to play any music.

I may have my PC back but it's come at a VERY big price indeed. I have lost 2 years work. My life's work is gone.

All my websites.

All my photoshop documents.

All my MP3's.


I even have to redesign everything to do with XNet as well, since they were all hosted on my computer.

I had a website almost ready for uploading as well. It was to be Zeta Fusion Version 8, and that is also now gone, and I'll have to create that again from scratch.

I've lost so much stuff, and I can't replace it either.


I'm thankful that I have my PC back, even if it is soundless at the moment and had nothing on it.

*sigh*. My life's work...gone.

I got on the wrong bus today. It took me over an hour to get home when it should only take me 20 minutes. I felt sick on the bus. It took all over Liverpool. It wasn't good. I felt stupid. But it wasn't my fault either because when I was getting on the bus it said on the front of it that it went by where I live so I got on. And then the further he drove, the more I realised that I wasn't supposed to be on this bus.


I'm going to YPAS tomorrow again, finally. Sasha thinks it's best. I didn't tell Anna though because I wasn't sure whether I could get an appointment or not with Sasha. Oh well, I'll tell her on Thursday.

Speaking of Thursday, i'm going the beach. Yeah...the beach...in October. It's Anna's idea. I guess we're gonna build sandcastles or something? Urgh. So that should be interesting...

And then on Saturday, it's the day I've been looking forward to for over two weeks - I get to meet Liam's best mate: Anna, and who knows what might happen. I'm really looking forward to meeting her, but at the same time i'm really worried that either she won't like me or I won't like her and then all my hopes will be lost, and this is the only chance that I can see in the near future of actually finding someone.

The plus side of Anna is that she goes to Roby College as well. So (and of course, this is all wishful thinking) if me and her did ever get together, we'd see each other every day :).

College is really digging into the productiveness of XNet, especially now that I have to restart from the beginning. It just really drains me. I have to keep at XNet though, as it's one way of possibly earning an income, which I badly need.

So, to summarise:

I have lost my life's work.

I have my computer back.

Catherine is still after me.

College is good.

College is exhausting.

I'm looking forward to meeting Anna.

XNet is plodding along slowly.

Oh, and I STILL haven't had a driving test.

Oh yeah, and I may be going the pictures as well on Friday with Kirsty/Catherine. Which should hopefully be good.


