The two tests that I had in college today were easy. I thought that they might of been a bit harder, but then they were only basic skills tests, just to see if you need any help reading/writing/adding etc. Thankfully I don't, yay me.

Me, Catherine, Jenny and Lee (Jenny's boyfriend), walked up to the village because we had an hour to kill before I had my second test and Catherine had her interview with Anna.

Once again, Catherine linked my arm and we walked like that down the street. You have no idea how uncomfortable that is for me you know? Even if she was my girlfriend, I'd still feel uncomfortable. The fact that she's not makes it even worse. Still, what's a bit of linking arms I guess...

Jenny and Lee are so funny. They really suit each other. Apparantly they got engaged hehe. Aww.

We all went to McDonalds for something to eat, although I wasn't hungry so I didn't get anything. We all sat down and suddenly Jenny says to me "You like Kirsty don't you?" as if she's known all along! I don't know how she came to that conclusion but she's right. I don't understand how Jenny/Catherine/God knows who else knows I like Kirsty because I haven't breathed a word about it to anyone. I mustn't half be obvious if they know I like her. I must look at her once too often or something, although I really thought I was being discreet about it. Oh well, more than likely, Kirsty knows as well which makes things a bit interesting. Nothing will come of it anyway. I doubt it will.

Jenny and Lee didn't have to go back to college so me and Catherine said goodbye to them and we went back on our own.

On the way, Catherine was telling me about her past and I felt so sorry for her. She's gone through some awful things and she's a lovely person too who awful things shouldn't happen to. I'm glad that she feels comfortable enough around me to be able to confide in me. I like listening. It's a shame I can never give any decent advice though.

She walked me up to the library and she said that she'd come back for me after she'd been for her interview, but my test finished before she got back so I went to meet her instead.

We started making our way back up to the village, where I get my bus back home. On the way, she once again linked my arm and we started walking down the street like that. After about 5 minutes of walking, I felt her hand slip further down my arm and it eventually came to my hand. I pulled away from her slightly, but she asked if she could hold my hand. I didn't want her to really, but I don't like saying no to people, so then we were walking down the street her holding my hand, but me not holding hers...she had hold of my hand but I wasn't actually gripping hers.

Further up the street, she said "I wanna do something, but you might end up not liking me for it", I kind of knew that she meant kiss me because of the way she'd been talking as we were walking up the street. I said "well don't do it then" and she said "I can't anyway". "Why?" I asked, to which replied "Because it takes two people to do it". All I could think of to say was "Well don't do it then". And that got off the topic a bit.

Further up again, as we were still holding hands, I asked for it back and she said no, and I asked again and she gave me it. "Can't I have your hand?" she asked me and I said "No, it's mine". "You're mine though. I'm not gonna let anyone else have you." She said, which kind of made me panic a bit.

Oh yeah and these girls that knew Catherine passed us both while we were linked. They asked her if I was her boyfriend and she said no. That's the kind of thing i'm talking about. If you see someone who is holding hands with someone then you immediatly assume that that person is with them, yes? And it just gives the wrong impression to everyone.

We went the bus stops where we waited for my bus. Behind us, there were these 3 or 4 lads about 13-14 years old. They shouted something at Catherine. Something about her hair and she shouted back. I asked why did she bother answering them back and she said she liked fighting with them, but it wasn't a very convincing statement.

We sat there talking for a bit longer and I felt something hit my back. And again. And again. I knew it was those lads spitting paper at me through a straw. I ignored it though. A security guard came over and told them to stop it or he'd remove them. They stopped for about 60 seconds while he went away and then continue to do it. By this point I was getting a bit angry at them. Catherine apologised and said that it was only because she was there that they were doing it and I explained that she had nothing to be sorry for. Then, one of the pieces of paper got the back of my head. I turned round to them and shouted "will you stop it!". They looked very surprised and they all shut up at once. They didn't do it again.

That felt good shouting at them. Part of me was kind of hoping that they'd do it again just so I could go over there and take the straw off them. I was just in a frame of mind where I had the courage to do that.

I said goodbye to Catherine when my bus came and said I'd see her on Thursday. She said she'd miss me.

So that was my day. How was yours? Every day at college for me seems so eventful.

Exciting news: Liam is setting me up with his best friend Anna. Apparantly we'll both love each other! I can't wait to meet her. We were talking about how we were both lonely and I asked him didn he know anyone who was single. He didn't konw anyone really but then he had the brainwave of thinking of Anna. He rang her today and asked if she was still single and she is! He's arranged for me, him and her to go to town next Saturday.

I can't wait!

Could this actually be the start of a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship for me? If it is, I owe Liam everything!

Next Saturday seems so far away. I want it to be this week!

Who knows what the future will hold. The quite near future at that.

I'm excited. Very excited.

