This time tomorrow I won't be here. I'll be in Wales. More than likely in bed fast asleep. Then I have to be up early on Sunday morning. Sounds fun, but i'm terrified.

This will be my last entry till Monday now.

I am however, taking as much technology with me as possible, ie: Psion, Mobile phone, CDMP3 Player and my Digital Camera.

I can't be without music. Nooo way.

As for my digital camera, i'm taking that incase there's any cool sights to take pics of, and also take pics of what we're actually doing. Should bring back some nice pics hopefully and I'll upload them all and put them in my diary.

As for the Psion, I had a brainwave earlier on about taking it with me and use it as a mini diary of what goes on. That way, I won't forget anything that went on that day by the time I get back on Monday and write it all in my diary. This way it'll all be ready to write and it'll be more detailed as well. Plus, it'll give me something to do as well if i'm bored, although I don't think I will be. This weekend seems so packed full of stuff. I hope I do actually get some time to rest!

I know that on Monday my body will be aching so badly and it'll take a few days to recover. Oh so fun (note the sarcasm).

I have to take two bags. One bag wouldn't hold all the stuff. The stuff being:

4 Towels, underwear, socks, boots, psion, CDMP3 Player, digital camera, spare batteries, 1 pair of spare trousers, 2 t-shirts, 2 jumpers, and toiletries.

Thankfully I won't actually be carrying all that round with me anywhere. It'll just go in the back of the minibus.

So, I shall see you all on Monday and I'll tell you about my little adventure in Wales.

Oh, btw, Laura has a new nickname for me because of the activities i'm gonna be doing such as mountain climbing and abseiling...Action Man lol.

Goodbye for now.

P.S. While i'm gone, if any of you would like to make an entry in my diary, please do, because it will make for interesting ready when I come home! The longer the better!

