I woke up at 9:30am today. NINE THIRTY A.M!!! WAY TOO EARLY

I decided that I might as well stay awake, since I was going for my councilling appointment with Carol later on. I rang up YPAS and asked for Carol, but they said that she was in a meeting with someone so I left her my number and asked them to ask her to call me back.

About two hours later she called back and I asked her what time my appointment was today. She said it was yesterday! Oops. Stupid memory.

Speaking of memory, today mine has been really bad in the space of only a few minutes. I walked into the kitchen and completely forgot why I went in there. Then, I took my Prozac tablet and went back into the living room. Laura then came in the living room and asked if she should throw something away. The Prozac pill I thought I'd just taken! Stupid memory. It's one of the side effects of Prozac - short term memory loss. Sometimes, people can tell me something and literally the next minute I'll have no idea what they'll have said, which is really annoying.

I'm gonna meet everyone who's going on this trip at the weekend tomorrow. I'm nervous about it. Both going to meet them tomorrow and actually going on Saturday. The last time I ever done something like this was YEARS ago. It was with my school class at the time and we went somewhere in Wales for a few days. It actually turned out to be quite good. I'm hoping that this will too, but still, I'm very nervous and paranoid about it.

I thought my psychologist's appointment was tomororow as well, but it's not. It's next Wednesday, so I'm glad I don't have that to worry about as well tomorrow.

I'm so tired and it's not even midnight yet. I had to go asleep at 5pm for two hours because I was just totally knackered. I thought that would of helped me get through to midnight at least, but it hasn't and i'm so tired!

Sleeping is also another factor i'm a bit worried about when I go away. How long I'll actually get to sleep for. I think I need more than the average person does (which is 8 hours). I think I need about 10 really. Anything else and I really feel tired. I doubt I'll be able to sleep that long at the weekend.

I'm gonna miss things as well, even if it is for two days:

Talking to Natalie.

My bed.

My PC.

Getting up when I want to.

And probably other things.

I can't believe I've been awake since 9:30am this morning. That is a VERY long day for me. Especially when I haven't even had anything to do all day either. Very long and very boring, but thankfully, it hasn't affected my mood, which i'm very glad of, because usually it does.

It's thirty minutes away from midnight now. I wonder if I go to bed now, would I manage to sleep till at least 2pm tomorrow? I doubt it. I don't think I can even manage that. I'll probably end up sleeping in the day tomorrow as well for 2-3 hours, but i'm also glad that I did wake up at 9:30am, because I know I'll probably have to be waking up at that time at the weekend, so maybeI should get used to it for this week?

God I hate mornings. I hate the day. I hate anything that involves being concious! (Well, maybe not some things ;-)

