Firstly, if you try to post to my diarynow, you won't be able to, since I've change it back to a normal diary for now.

Thankyou for the two messages, though.

Now for today's crappy news.

Last night Laura and her friend Claire went out on blind dates withh these two 18yr olds. They went the pictures. I wanted to go. I had no one to go with.

My mum also went out last night.

I was left on my own once again and unfortunatly, tonight, I will be again, since they are going out again.

It's not fair.

I get stuck in the house as usual, while they go out and have fun.

It's not that i'm jealous of them going out clubbing, it's more to do with the fact that they are going out. I'm tired of being stuck in this bedroom every day and I need out of here!

It's not fair.

