Today has been stressful and it's only 6:40pm.

Woke up at 11am, after going to bed at 8am. Thankfully, I'd got some sleep the day before. I had to get up though at 11am, because I was going to YPAS, so, I got up and asked my mum to ring John, cos the appointment was 1pm, not 2:30pm, like he thought. He said he couldn't make it so I went on my own on the train.

I got in YPAS at 1pm, and saw Paul in there. Paul is the guy I spoke to the first time I went there and he just talked to me about what they offered. He said hi and asked how I was. He got Sasha, the girl I was sposed to see.

Sasha took me into the coucilling room and began explaining what her job was. Basically, her job is centred around self development and self confidence. Things like that. There's a group of people and they get together and try to help each other. They go out places and try to build up team skills and also solo skills. It sounds like the kind of thing I need, so I said yes to it and I start this Friday.

A letter came this morning from YPAS telling me that the self harm group starts this Thursday, so i'm going to go to that. I'm a bit apprehensive about it though, since I don't think I'll get that much out of it and also, I think I can deal with the self harm by myself. It's not a big issue for me, but everyone around me thinks it is.

When I was waiting for Sasha, I noticed a leaflet. It was to do with a course on Web Designing, so I picked it up and had a read through. It looks quite interesting. It focuses on Dreamweaver, Flash and I think it said Fireworks. I've always wanted to become better in Flash since I'd like to design my website fully in flash. I know the basics but some of the sites you see now just look so cool cos they're built in flash. I'd like to do that too. It's a 20 week course, two days a week. Which sounds perfect for me. It's in town, which is a slight downer as it means I have to travel a bit, but it's not a lot to ask for what I want to do. I go to see the girl (who my mum rang) about the course. She said that she may be able to get me in it if I come see her before Friday.

Then, finally, at long last, I get to go see Natalie on Saturday, until next Thursday. YAY. Obviously I cannot wait. YAAAAAAAY!!!.

I did have an appointment with Carol at YPAS next Tuesday but, if you had a choice between sitting in a room for an hour trying to explain why you do this and why you do that, or, go and see someone you like so much for a few days...what would you choose?


Yes, I thought you might choose the second option. So would I. I did have an appointment at YPAS next Thursday as well (the SI group), but again, I give you the reason stated above as to why I am deciding to cancel it.

Then, next Friday, i'm back at the psychologist's. Not sure why really. Guess it's just to see how i'm doing. He said he was gonna write to my GP about raising the Prozac dosage, but my mum rang the GP's this morning and they said that they hadn't got no such letter.

So, although for the rest of this week until Saturday, it's going to be stressful, I will endure it purely and simply because of the fact that it will all be worth it if on Saturday, I get to go and see Nat and hold her.

