This is confusing...I feel...Ok.


Perhaps the Prozac are working? Or (and this is what i'm thinking) I'm just having a good day. I know I'll probably end up wanting the world to swallow me again soon and I don't exactly look forward to it.


I got up before 3pm today. I truly shocked myself. I got up at 1:30pm. My body wouldn't let me go back to sleep. Strange. It's never done that before.

I'm going to see Ken tomorrow. I want to see him. Not sure what we're gonna talk about though for an hour...although it'll probably just be a get-to-know-you session. I'm dreading going into College, though, incase I see anyone I know. I don't want them to see me. I guess i'm anti-social. I don't like being this way but it's the way I am. For now, at least.


