Remember to check the archive entries for posts you've missed.

Hmm, my arm is stinging again. I'm glad it is too. I keep making it hurt more.

Think I'll go to bed now. It's 10:55 and everyone's at school so I have no one to talk to. I'd go into a chat room but like anyone ever listens there. Plus they're all American, and I want to talk to someone British...or Scottish :-).

I forgot to mention that my sister and her mates went to my Nin's birthday party on Saturday. I didn't go, though. I wouldn't of been able to handle it I don't think. All those people. Too much for me. I feel bad about not going though. Apparantly people were asking about me. But I just couldn't go...

In other news my cat's tail got fried a little after sitting too near the fire. The fur on the end of his tail is stumpy and apparantly it was black as well (bear in mind my cat is ginger!). Poor Oogee.

