Get to the point
(Originally written 5th October @ 10:55pm)

Just got back from seeing Children of Men at the cinema with Cat and Mitch. It was quite good, although the ending was a little...abrupt.

Today has been quite a relaxing but fun day. It started with me attending my "History of Design" lecture. On my way to it, Leanne, one of the people in my group last week who was taking photos with me and Tom bumped into me and we walked to the lecture together. We sat next to each other and talked about various things while we waited for the lecturer to arrive.

Though the lecture was supposed to begin at 1pm, we didn't actually get anyone until around 1:10pm. He walked in and introduced himself as Brian Griffiths, before saying he had to go back out for a moment to make a call. Shortly after, he returned.

It was a confusing start. There were around 80-100 people in the room, all eager and waiting to start writing notes down on the history of design. However, Brian was not there to teach the lesson, apparantly. Instead, he started to ramble on about what a vice chancellor is and how he understands the problems and that he will work hard to solve them.

Huh? What problems? What was he on about? Everyone was turning to each other and asking the same questions. I turned to Leanne and said "What the hell is he on about?" to which she said she didn't know and that she was confused too.

Over the next twenty minutes, he talked and talked, but never quite got to any sort of point. Finally, he did.

It became a little more clear what he was trying to communicate. The tutor who was supposed to be taking us for the lecture had had to go home to deal with some family problems and there was no one to cover for him so there was no lecture. That's all. One sentence was all that was needed, yet it took 20 minutes to slowly piece together what he was talking about. It was very strange.

At 1:30pm, we all left the room and as we walked out of the building, it wasn't hard to tell that everyone was talking about the fact that they had been completely confused about what this guy was talking about. But, as I said, the gist of it was that a lecturer wasn't there which meant no lecture. That's it.

I met Tom and Elia (Apparantly it's Elia, not Eli, according to Tom) and they said they were going to go and play some pool. I said I'd join them after showing Leanne where the finance office was. After I'd shown her, I invited her to join us when she was finished to play pool but she didn't turn up later on.

On the way to the pool tables, I recieved a text from Cat saying that she and Mitch were going to go the cinema and asked if I was coming so I text back saying yes.

I played Elia once and Tom three times at pool. I lost them all! Very bad.

After that, I headed to the library to see if there were any computers free so I could spend the rest of the day just chatting online. There weren't any though so I went to the computer room where there's 50 computers available to use and found one free.

After checking the discussion board for my History of Design lecture, I found a new post. It said something along the lines of "Was anyone else confused today!?" so I replied saying they definitely weren't the only one.

Most of the afternoon was spent talking to Hannah online. It was not a good chat, though. It was mostly me saying that I think she treats me horribly and that she cares more about her ex boyfriend than she has ever cared about me. She even made time to go see him in prison, yet she cannot and has not made time to see me. "That's different", she said. No it's not.

I said that University was supposed to be a new, fresh start for me. It was supposed to be (and it is) fun. Yet there I was, sitting in front of the computer, feeling like my heart has been broken for the last four or five months and it's about time I start mending it.

She said she was sorry and that she knows it's her fault and that she has never meant to hurt me. She has said it a few times. Usually if you're sorry though, you learn to change and show that you're sorry. Nothing has changed. I doubt anything will ever change.

The conversation was left on a bad note with me saying that how she is treating me is not fair and I have never done anything to deserve to be treated this way.

Other people I talked to included Cat and Kerry. Kerry was still at home and she said that she was actually missing Chester and that she had to come home to realise that she wasn't missing it.

I went to the computer room at 2:30pm. I didn't leave it until 5:30pm. In fact, the only reason I did leave it was because a security guard came in the room and said they were locking up now and I had to leave. I had wondered why there was no one else in the room!

So, I started the crappy journey home but this time, more than ever, my ankles/calves felt like they were burning so much. It's almost random when it happens. Sometimes I can walk all the way home without it happening at all and yet today, I only managed to get to the top of the road before I had to rest and let it die down. I've never had to rest before. It was frustrating. I told myself that I was just imagining the pain and I could go on, but I really couldn't.

By the time I managed to get home, I had stopped twice more and a journey that usually takes 20 minutes took me 45. I was very happy to be able to rest once in the kitchen.

I cooked something to eat and then by the time I had eaten, it was 7:30pm. I text Cat and she said she was at the Odeon with Mitch so, after about 20 minutes of being home, I headed out again to the cinema to meet them and, as I said, went to see Children of Men.

Just as I was walking up the path to the front door on my way home, I heard a rat squeal. That is not something you want to hear in the dark and when you're right next to some bushes. It's disgusting that there's rats to begin with and the fact that there's been no rubbish collection for quite some time now doesn't help. It's piling up. I'm going to call tomorrow and complain.

I need to buy some paints tomorrow and start doing some work on the six pages of drawings Kevin wants me to do for next Wednesday. I was considering doing double what he's asked for. I think maybe it'd be a good thing to get into if I do double whatever is asked of me. Maybe it'd help me achieve better marks.

On another note, I have noticed that the guys I'm living with are so lazy when it comes to keeping the place tidy. They're not exactly messy, but they don't do a good job of cleaning up after themselves. For example, the table is full of crumbs because they don't bother to wipe it and the bin was overflowing because no one had bothered to take it out. I had deliberately left it to see if any of them would do it and they didn't, they just piled more stuff on top of it and when I came home today and walked into the kitchen, it stunk and I had to do it myself and then spray some air freshener - which I bought. It's like they can't smell how bad it is.

I do hope I get the Internet soon. I have some more TV shows left to watch and two movies before I really start to struggle to find something to do. I miss being able to talk to my online friends. I miss being able to do what I usually do. I hate having to use the library/computer room because it's not very personal and I want to be able to use it at 2am in the morning.

Problems problems problems. I'm having fun though, honestly. I just wish everything that is bad would be sorted out.
