Fairly average day at work yesterday. Didn't do that much, but didn't have to sit there bored out of my mind for all of the time either. And I got paid, yay!

However, as I worked out a few days ago, even though I get �30 per day for working there, I don't actually make �30 in profit, as I have to pay for things like travel and food. Currently as I don't have a bus or train pass, when subtracted from my �30 a day, my total profit from work per day is just �15, meaning I earn a real total of �75 instead of �150 a week. This is pretty bad. It's partly my fault, since I do get a cab to the station instead of the bus. It's just become a habit now. If I did get the bus instead to and from the station, my travel expenses would drop from �9 a day to �4.80.

I went to work with Laura yesterday, as she chose to actually join me in getting the train instead of the bus. A surprising move. I was glad of it though, as it meant that the cab fare was shared, although I did have to ask her to pay half, as she didn't offer.

Once on the train, we didn't say a single word to each other. It's such an uncomfortable atmosphere to be in when you're sitting right next to each other. So, I put my headphones on and listened to some music instead.

When we arrived in town, I had to buy a ticket and I told her this, expecting her to wait for me, since I'd only be a second doing it. She didn't. Instead, she simply carried on into town as if I wasn't even there, which really annoyed me. It's just so rude! I would NEVER do that to her, or anyone who I was with. I didn't say anything to her once I caught up with her at work.

Since I was already in town I decided to change my mind about going out with my friends and called Stan to see what time he'd be going to AJ's. I also asked him if he could meet me earlier than 8pm, as I got out of work at 4:30pm and didn't really want to hang about town for three hours doing absolutely nothing. I asked Laura for ideas of what I could do for three hours, but she had none. I even asked Peter and Gary and they had no idea either. At the end of the day however, Laura suggested that I could just sit in the shop till I had to go and that I could lock up instead of her, but after a few minutes of thinking, I decided against that, as I didn't really want to stay there on my own so she locked up and as she did so, I WAITED FOR HER. Not that she will of noticed the fact that she hadn't in the morning.

We walked into town together, before she went to the station and I went to pass the time in town by sitting somewhere. I then went to Burger King for a bit, then returned to sitting outside. There was a Big Issue seller about 20 metres away from me and I was watching him ask everyone if they'd like to buy a magazine from him and failing really bad. Everyone just walks past. I do too. I feel so guilty when I do it as well, but I can't afford to give to every single person who asks me. I decided to try and at least be a bit charitable and pulled out the entire contents of my change and went up to him and said hello, before giving him all of the money, which was about �4 in total. I then tried to have a conversation with him, asking him if there was anything good in the magazine and flicked through the magazine, standing beside him. To be honest, I think he actually thought it was cramping his style, as he didn't really want to talk to me much after I'd given him the money and kind of moved away from me a little and asked more people if they'd like to buy the magazine. I took the hint and left him alone, then returned to Burger King, then returned to sitting outside again for over an hour and it was cold! I called Stan to see if there was any chance he could meet me earlier, and he said that he could meet me at 7:30pm instead.

By 6:50pm I made my way to the AJ's, but it was only 7:15pm by the time I got there so I sat somewhere again in the cold, a few metres away from where a girl was sitting on a guy's knee all loved up, while their friend sat next to them. I felt jealous. I wanted that. I wanted someone who would put their arms around me and want to hug me lots and kiss me lots. It just looked like the kind of love I wanted.

At 7:20pm, Stan text me, saying he was sitting at the AJ's, so I came to meet him there and we chatted. He was so hyper! He couldn't stop talking, or moving about, or going off on wild tangents. I told him about my time with Sasha. He was kind of shocked to begin with that I'd actually finally managed to have some fun and then kind of congratulated me, before telling me to stop making him jealous, as he's never done anything with a girl besides kiss them.

Jamie and Mike arrived a while later and Jamie loved hearing about me and Sasha.

We went inside after a while because it was starting to get really cold. I got myself a Bacardi Breezer and we all talked around a table. Well, they did, I wasn't really in an alive sort of mood. I was just really tired, after getting only three hours sleep the night before. Lee, Stan's friend arrived a while later with another guy called Abe and they joined us. We moved over to the pool table after a while and a while later, Dave arrived to join in the fun.

I asked Jamie what he'd ordered me last time I came to the pub with them because I wanted to try it again and he said it was Aftershock so when Mike went the bar, I asked him to get me two of them. When he returned with them, I remembered the look of them well, but not the taste. I took a sip of one of them and wondered how the FUCK I had managed to drink them two weeks ago, as it was now proving hard to drink even one. I must stress that I was very much sober this time around though, if not incredibly tired.

After me and Lee had finished playing a game of pool, two other guys began playing. After they'd finished, they asked our group if any of us would like to play them in a game of doubles so I said sure, as did Lee. They were REALLY good. Not amateur at all. They made us look shit. We lost the first two games pretty easily. However, the third game proved interesting, as it took about twice as much time for it to finish as it did with the first two. Sadly however, we lost that one as well. 3-0!

I gave Stan my second Aftershock, as I didn't really feel like it so in total, all I had to drink was a Bacardi Breezer and one Aftershock, meaning I was still really sober and I was happy with that.

Everyone was asking me if I'd be going to Le Bateau's with them and I kept saying no, because I didn't have the money to do so. Technically I did have the money, but it wasn't money I could afford to spend. Dave said he'd pay me in, which was nice of him, but it's not the club that would leave me out of pocket, but rather the cab home, which would cost in excess of �10. I had to decline.

By the end of the night, Jamie and Mike had drank multiple helpings JD and coke and were very much trashed. Dave was a little too. Even Stan was!, and Stan never gets even tipsy, as he told me last time we were out.

Dave was insistent on needing a kebab so we left the AJ's at about 10:45pm to go get something to eat. On the way there, I took a few pictures, along with in the AJ's itself. I bought some chicken. After that, I asked if they'd walk me to the station, as I didn't really fancy walking there on my own. It was pretty ok though, no one seemed to be out. Also, the train home was fine as well. Infact, for most of the journey, I fell asleep because I was just so tired.

Once I got in, I came online for a bit, before getting into bed and falling asleep pretty quick.

I think I spent about �35 yesterday. Not on going out, but just in general. I really needed that money because i'm trying to be concious of the fact that I'll need it for college, but I really wanted to see my friends and so I had to stick around in town and to break up the time that's why I went to Burger King and stuff. And then I had to pay for a train ticket home because I had accidentally threw one away and then the cab home was more than it usually was.

Also, Gary said that he won't need me to come into work till Wednesday next week, which means that I won't earn a full week's money and I was kind of counting on that to boost my cash for college.

I'm glad I went out with my friends, but I just wish that it didn't mean I had to spend so much in doing so.
