The situation with my benefits is messy. Very messy.

According to DWP, I don't have a claim. At all. No case at all. According to them, if I want to keep on claiming I have to put in a new claim. However, John from MIND sent me a letter saying that my appeal had gone through and that I was entitled to the money and that a payment would be coming my way. It hasn't.

So DWP rang John and they fought it out and now though I know I had a claim and John knows I did, I have to fill out all of the forms again. He says that I should still get the 6 months of money that i'm owed, but i'm starting to be more skeptical about it. He said that if worst comes to worst, I can take them to court over it. I mean it's like �1600 now.

A letter came for me to go see a job centre plus personal advisor on Wednesday, but I didn't go because I had a migraine. The reason I got sent that appointment was because of DWP's assumption that I didn't have a claim when I do. I still want an interview with them though because I would like to see if I could work as something or other. I'm still entitled to that money though. They owe me it. It feels like my mum is blaming me for their cockup. She keeps saying about how she's in debt and I don't know what she has to deal with. I do know. But I don't like being blamed for something that isn't my fault.

I have an appointment at MIND tomorrow at 1pm to see John. He's gonna fill out the forms with me. God knows that I need help with them. There's so many questions.

My friendship with Hana feels closer and closer each time I talk to her. We talk for hours on end without ever stopping. We make each other laugh. A lot. We think each other is gorgeous and wonderful. It's amazing. I don't think I have ever had such a bond with someone. I feel as if she is very special to me. It annoys me so much that she lives in London. Not to mention the fact that she's got a boyfriend. Because I'd love to go out with her. She's said she'd go out with me too if she was single. She's the only person I know who makes me feel as good as she does make me feel.

She tells me I am wonderful. It makes me smile. No one ever calls me wonderful. No one ever calls me anything nice like that. Not like Hana does anyway. I feel so appreciative of her company. She makes me feel special and wanted. So, thankyou Hana. Thankyou.
