I went to bed last night around 11pm. God I was so tired.

Anyway yes, about yesterday. I'll try not to make it too long.

Woke up at 8:30am, realising that it was the earliest I've been up for a very long time, excluding my brief job as a kitchen fitter. Talked to a few people online for 30 minutes, before getting dressed and ready to go out for 9:50am.

On the way to Kirkby station in the cab, I saw someone laying on the pavement. There were three old people stood round them. I hope they made sure they were ok.

Got the train to town, but since I hadn't bought a ticket because the train was already in, I had to buy one there.

"Can I have a single from Kirkby please?", I say to him and he pressed a few buttons like I've just disturbed him from the important job of sitting on his arse and looking out a window.
"Why didn't you buy one before you got on the train?", he inquires, in a very inquiring kind of voice.
"Because the train was about to go", I reply, although this wasn't that true really. "How much?" I ask, showing him that I have a saver card.
"It's normal price if you don't buy before you get on the train", he says, in an arrogant voice.

I pay and off I go to Lime Street station, stopping on the way at a cash machine to withdraw money, and I realise that my balance is now �800. It would of been �1000 if I hadn't of spent that �200 on gambling. I withdraw �50 and onto the station I go.

Bought a burger, bought my ticket, which was only �5, got on the train, which was very full. The journey was an hour, which was very boring because I had nothing to do. I managed to survive it though. I mean, I've survived 5 hours on a train to London without nothing, an hour was quite ok.

The train arrived in Preston and I got off, my nerves weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. I knew I was nervous, but I didn't have the feeling of wanting to throw up. Always good. I looked around for Rachel, but she was nowhere to be found. Preston is a big station though so I didn't panic. I glanced over at the entrance and managed to see the back of a redheaded girl wearing black pants with lots of straps coming off them. Just for a second. I knew this was her. She'd told me that she'd be wearing those strappy pants.

I made my way to where she was, and I saw that she was asking at the info booth for when my train was due to arrive. She couldn't see me because her back was turned, but I knew it was her. I simply waited with a smile till she turned around, to give her a surprise of me being right next to her. Finally she turned around and she knew who I was as soon as she seen me. I then realised that she was twice as nice as her pictures made her out to be. Something clicked in my brain that said 'ok, I wasn't expecting that!'. I smiled at her and she walked over to me. I put my arms around her and give her a hug, before we left the station together.

I asked how she was and the usual stuff you have to ask someone to break the ice. I had promised myself I'd be as relaxed as possible, not overbearing, or too untalkative. I asked her what she'd like to do and she said she was hungry so we walked for a while till we got to McDonalds, talking mostly all of the way. I kept glancing at her, now fancying her much more than I did from the pictures I'd seen of her.

We waited in the queue at McDonalds. I asked her what she'd like, but she said that she'd pay for it and she insisted, so we got our own stuff, then looked for a place to sit, but there was nowhere, so we went searching through the shopping mall for a bench, till we found one.

We spent about 20 minutes there I think and for most of that time, it was amazing how smoothly (I think) the conversation was going. I don't think there was any points of it there was difficult. None of those awkward silences which was truly nice. I made her laugh, she made me laugh. It was good. After we'd eaten, she said she wanted to go look at computer games for her brother, then go get a topup card for her phone, and go to an instrument store as well. I was happy to go wherever she was.

Again, even while we were walking I didn't feel like there were any awkward silences. I was still quite stunned at how lovely she was and she had a lovely voice as well.

Sometimes, I think I am cursed. I don't know how or why. But, it's just that, when we finally got to the instrument store (she needed a tuner for her guitar), three seconds after I entered the shop, someone dropped something important and it nearly broke. Because that happened, I then began to realise that there have been other instances like that. I'm gonna observe my actions more closely now.

Back to the story now...

After we'd gone to the stores she wanted to go to, we made our way to the cinema, walking through town to get to the bus stops. Again, while we were walking, we did a lot of talking. Admittedly, it was mostly her talking, but I was fine with that because I wanted to know her well. I guess that's still a big downfall with me, that I don't talk a lot. But, it was strange, as I say, no awkward silences.

Found the bus stops and we talked more on the bus, going to the cinema. It only took about 10 minutes, before we got off and went to see what was on. The film that we had wanted to see (The Core) wasn't on, so another film we both wanted to see was Johnny English, but sadly, the next one was on at 1:20pm and it was only 12:40pm. We bought the tickets and went to sit in KFC to wait. She went the loo and that was my first chance to take everything in. I think I could feel my brain processing all of the past hour or so. Once she came back, she waited in the queue, because she wanted an ice cream. I sat at the table, looking over at her.

As you probably know, i'm an analyst of people. I analyse everyone, all the time and Rachel was no exception. What I realise about Rachel was that she wasn't giving off any signals that she liked me as more than a friend. The main reason I thought that was because the whole time she was waiting in the queue (which was quite long), she didn't once look in my direction and believe me, if she did, I would of noticed it, because I was looking out for it. This made me think that she wasn't that interested in me, but, she's only kissed one guy, which may prove my point of her not liking me wrong. Maybe it's just that those little things that I pick up on, she hasn't done with anyone yet, even though maybe she likes me. She's already said that she prefers the company of guys to girls and such.

In the end because the queue was so huge, she came and sat back down and we talked a bit longer. At this point, I was simply admiring her, though I was listening to what she was saying as well of course.

40 minutes past and the film was now starting so we went back over to the cinema. I got us both a drink, before we went in to see the film. We sat down and still, we were talking loads. It was mostly about the bands we liked and current stuff like that. Even when the film was starting, we were still talking. Commenting on the fact that it was Robbie Williams singing the theme tune and seeing if we both liked him.

The film itself was VERY good. VERY funny. And believe me, it takes a lot to make me laugh. Rowan Atkinson was excellent in it. One of the best comedies I've seen.

After the film, she asked if I'd like to go back to hers and I said yeah. After catching the bus back, near to town, she then got a bit lost, not knowing which bus to take next and decided to ring her Dad to come pick us up. At this point I was a bit nervous. Always nervous with the 'meet the parents' bit. While we waited, she was telling me about how she had really bad eyes, so I took my glasses off and told her to try them on. "Wooow", she said "that's amazing!", "I can actually see!". She looked cute in them too!

At this point, I was desperate to hug her again, but I couldn't find the courage to do so. Instead, I decided that now was the time to produce the infamous digital camera. "Ohhh no", she said, turning away. "I take pictures of everything important", I told her. She looked back and let me take a pic of her. Cute, I think you'll agree!

Her Dad finally came and I said hi to him, once in the car. I didn't really talk to him that much though. He didn't ask me anything. Once at Rachel's house, she got a drink and then we both went upstairs to her bedroom.

We both sat on the bed and talked. God, so much talking! It was at this point that I was starting to really really want to hug her and kiss her and you have no idea how hard it was to resist doing so. My first idea was to sit away from her, rather than right next to her. But somehow, we managed to get just a bit closer. I think we got closer mentally too. It was around this point that the awkward silences began. She'd ran out of things to talk about and though I was trying to fill in, i'm not very good at doing so. Still, the awkwardness didn't last for long, because we soon found more things to talk about, but it wasn't for long, because I had to catch my train. Before we left, I managed to take a pic of me and her together. I was very happy about that. I also took one of her on her own.

We went back downstairs and I told her Dad that it was nice meeting him, before we set off the station. I said goodbye to her Dad and we both went in.

It didn't take long for my train to come. I was desperate to kiss her now, as my train was pulling in. I really didn't want to go. I liked her. I LIKE her. I still hadn't got the feeling that she liked me as more than a friend though and this was proved by the fact that even though my train was now boarding, she didn't move with me when I began walking over to the train. Instead, I put my arms around her and hugged her again. I had planned to kiss her on the cheek at this point, but I didn't. I was too afraid too. "Come back whenever you like", she said, which confused me a bit, as once I started walking away from her, she began her journey out of the station. Is it just me who waits for the person's train to completely go? That bit was confusing.

So yes, yesterday was a nice day. I got to meet a cute girl who said I could come back.

I haven't talked to her since meeting her, because that night, she had a sleepover with her friends. I'm hoping that she'll be on tonight, because I want to tell her just how much I really like her.

And as for Laura, the other girl I wanted to meet? Though I still do want to meet her, she doesn't seem to want a boyfriend really, although she says that she does want to kiss me. Kissing me and having me as a boyfriend go hand in hand with me though. I wouldn't kiss someone who I wasn't in a relationship with and that's why I didn't kiss Rachel because I wanted to meet Laura as well. However, because Laura has expressed that she doesn't really want a boyfriend, and because Rachel was more attractive in both looks and personality than first thought, my mind and my heart are siding with Rachel a lot more now.

Laura won't be meeting me tomorrow. I wasn't really expecting her to say yes either. It would of been a nice thing if she had, for my birthday, but since I didn't have my hopes up of it happening, i'm not dissapointed too much.

I want to go back to Preston. Now.

News just in!:

Neil says: Do you want to see each other again?..
Rachel says:
yehhh deff if u do

Rachel says:
lol woo i rock i thought u was really mint too and yeh was easy to talk a neva thought it wud be fought itd be like dum de dum but it was kule

I do believe we like each other. RESULT.
