Been watching 9 hours of Comic Relief. I cried at a lot of the films they showed. I felt so bad when they keep saying "please pick up the phone and give what you can". I don't have a credit card so I can't. I'm gonna give �10 on Monday though. I promise. The stories are so fucking sad. Little children, babies even, living on the street. People who have to walk miles and miles just to get some water. There was a 73 year old woman who, everyday had to carry the same amount of water that she weighed. Carrying her own body weight every single day. Terrible. The genocide of Rwanda, about how the soldiers killed wives' husbands and sons, raping the women. Some soldiers even raped them, knowing that they were infecting them with aids, telling them they'd die a slow death.

How can anyone be so fucking sick?

It really, really got to me. No one should have to live the way some people do. Absolutely terrible.


In other news, closer to home, a surprise phonecall. Michael, my cousin. My mum answered and talked to him for a bit before putting the phone down. "That was Michael", she said to me "He was saying that the fella who works with him (by the way, Michael is like a handyman person, that's his job) is rubbish and he needs someone else. He said then your Neil came into my head."

Me? Handyman? Wha? Huh?

"He said that if you wanted the job you could have it. He said that you'd be safe with him and.."
"Yeah, I'll have a go", surprising myself as I said it. I'm not very good with stuff like that. I just about know how to operate the dishwasher ashamedly. Michael's gonna have a lot on his hands.

"But", my mum continued, "He said 'if I come and pick him up at 8 and...", you know, the "if he's not ready" speech thing. Pay is �100 per week apparantly.

He rang back a few minutes later, and talked to my mum again. She told him I'd said yes of course then she said to him about how "it's if he gets up and is ready isn't it"...they have so much faith in me...

He said he'd come over the weekend anyway to talk to me about it.

Shortly after that, my mum decided to have a go at me, thankfully this time it wasn't an all out go, but rather a civilised disuccusion. Much better. Saying the same stuff about not helping out and such. It sounds much 'nicer' when it's not being forced down your throat without you having a chance to explain things. Once again, I did just that, but you can tell it doesn't actually go in.

So yes, finally someone has decided to give me a chance and like I've said all along, if someone gives me a chance, I will take it. Did I take it? Yes I did. See that's what I need. Just a starting point. Ok, so the job itself will probably be crap (optimism, I know), but i'm bloody out for a change, and although it's not a 'for the greater good of mankind' job, it's at least a 'hey, fixed your washing machine! Aren't you over the moon now? Damn I rock at fixing washing machines!' job.

Hey, I could always get one of those clich� moments where some sexy girl happens to be just out of the shower and says something extremely clich�...

"You wanna show me your toolbox?" which I'd reply "Well I've got a nice screwdriver...".

Hey it could happen, surely? Maybe?

Neil Martin - Handyman to be? Stay tuned.
