"Hi There,

I was just reading through your profile and you seem like a nice kind of guy-I'm from Liverpool too and god does it suck most of the time. AND I'm looking if youre at all interested-please ignore the photos on my profile theyre godawful. Anyhow drop me a line sometime my msn addy is [email protected] add me if you'd like to chat more, cheers for now,


Ames xxx"

I recieved that message on Faceparty today. I went and checked out her profile and she actually seems pretty damn nice! I check her pic too and though she's pulling tongues and being crosseyed on it, she does look pretty cute. I find it amazing that someone who is actually intelligent enough to write a coherent message to me (instead of txt msg language), who shares my distaste for Liverpool and is seemingly a nice person, could want to message me and, it seems like me as more than a friend! Amazing.

Of course, I've yet to talk to her and she may not like me and I may not like her. Then of course the big test would actually be meeting each other in person if it were to get that far.

Can you tell i'm quite excited?

I know i'm probably pretty sad for being so, but I can't help it. I just do it. Anyway, there's nothing wrong in having hope, it's better than having none, right?

Speaking of good thoughts, Katie rang me today. Nice surprise. We talked for quite a while. She said she was burning things. Lots of paper. In her room! Tsk, bad Katie, shouldn't be burning things...although it is fun.

She'll be here on Monday :) 11am her flight gets in, which means I have to get up at a very early time (ie, before 5pm) to go meet her. Also, I REALLY need a haircut as I currently look like a mop. I'm gonna try very hard to get one before I go meet her, simply because I feel ashamed going anywhere with such a messy head. She goes home on Wednesday. She's over here to check out the University's open day. Hopefully I can think of something we can do.

I talked to Rachel last night for an hour or two :) Lovely person to talk to.

Talked to Ann yesterday and today (and every other day lol). She rang me yesterday. Crazy girl. She lives in Germany and she's ringing me! Thankfully it doesn't cost her too much and she does have a lovely voice to listen to.

I do believe this is one of the longest entries I've written lately. It's also one with quite a bit of positivity in. Sign of things changing perhaps? I have no idea. Everyone has been saying that I seem a lot more happier lately and indeed I am. No idea why. I could say that it's the Prozac, but considering I've only been taking them for a week, I doubt it. I've just suddenly become more than what I was and believe me, I'm appreciating it a hell of a lot.

Neil Martin - Currently not that depressed! Sorry, but when I don't have many non-depressed days, you do have to make a point of recording the ones when you do.

