Went to bed about 6am. Didn't even realise the time was passing. That's what I get for playing 150 rounds of Counter Strike.

Got woken up at 2pm by a phone call. Argh, I hate getting woken up by the phone. It scares the hell out of me!

Answered. Katie. Yay!

But then it was not so yay. She told me she'd been in a car accident. Apparantly, someone had smacked into the side of them and she was in the passenger seat. She's in bed and aching all over. Shouldn't happen to someone as lovely as her! I offered her a hug, but she said even that'd hurt.

Must of talked for about about 40 minutes at least, all while I was sitting on the floor naked and rather cold. But I didn't mind too much because I wanted to keep Katie company.

After I'd said goodbye to Katie I came online for an hour or so before deciding that I wanted more sleep so I went back to bed for an hour or so. Got back up, ate, watched TV, came back online. Joy!


I did have intentions of going to town tomorrow, but it's coming up to 3am and i'm about to go play another load of Counter Strike which will mean that I'll go to bed yet again at 6am.

That's not good.

Oh, also, I made this layout for him. Like it? I intend to take over Diaryland with my layouts. You know it's for the better.

I also made one for Ann, but i'm not linking it just yet because I want her reaction to it.

You better like it, Ann! Oh and it's not the Christmas Tree you were asking for either.

The police are here tomorrow again. They're coming for the names and addresses of Laura's friends and also to take some DNA from me (ie a swab of my mouth). That should be the last I'll hear of them then for a while.

QOL is nearing completion at long bloody last. Liam quoted me with 10th December. He said he's 70% sure he can get it done by then. I don't believe him though. I think another week is more realistic. He also said he may ask Richard for an advance payment. Personally I'd rather get it all at once.

�1750 will soon be mine. MINE!

