*sigh* It seems as if I will not be meeting Lisa tomorrow, since she hasn't been online all day, which means I don't know what time she'd like to meet. Disheartened.

I guess there is always time for her to come online. I don't think she will though sadly.

I'll still be going to town. I want to get my poster printed out. I was really looking forward to meeting Lisa, but alas, it is not the end of the world and i'm sure in time, we will meet.

Something I didn't mention in the midst of my breakdown earlier was the fact that before I went to get my hair cut, I stopped by my Nan's to drop off a headboard. She offered me tea and since my day was not exactly full I accepted and talked to her for about 40 minutes or so. What I came to realise in this time was how much easier I can talk to her than my mum. Although she's not totally understanding of any problems I may have, she's understanding.

I'll explain.

Though she doesn't quite get how things may affect me, she still shows care. Plus, I think I share her views on things much more than I do with my mum.

Just before I left, she gave me �20. For nothing. I told her it was nice of her, but I didn't need it. She insisted though, so I took it.

Tomorrow, since meeting Lisa isn't looking likely, I'll no doubt just have a look about in town for anything that I may wish to buy, although I really don't know that many places that would constitute interesting things for me to buy. I could always go to HMV/Virgin and buy some music or a game, but why buy when you can download and why buy a game when your computer runs about as fast as a turtle. Just wouldn't make sense.

*sigh* I was feeling content about an hour ago. No real reason. There was just nothing too wrong. However, I now feel quite alone. I don't know what's brought this on either.

Thankyou to those people who signed my notes. It was very very much appreciated. Really.
