Ehh, nothing to report on today, except for the fact that I've tried my hardest to adopt a normal sleeping pattern and although it's coming up to 2:30am, I think I've succeeded.

I spent all of last night awake, laying in bed. I found it impossible to sleep, mainly because I wasn't tired, but also because my brain wouldn't shut off anyway and it never does. I tried and tired for near 5 hours to somehow manage to feel asleep, but nope. By this time it was nearly 11am and I'd yet to fall asleep so I decided that, even though I was now feeling tired, I'd get up for a bit and perhaps work the unwanted energy off. For four hours, I stayed awake then I went back to bed, getting up again at 7pm. Thankfully, right now i'm feeling tired and I know I'll sleep all night, but not too long. I know that I will now be able to go to town, get the poster printed from the print shop and also go and see James.

Speaking of printing the poster out, I really hope it looks good on A3. I'm not sure because of the strange dimensions I've used on it. I'm also worried that the text may not be as clear as I want it to be. If it isn't, then I'll have to modify the whole poster, or worse, redo it differently.

My cold has now almost gone, though my cough is still here. Not as much as it was though. On Thursday, I'll go to college and one of two things will happen. I'll either be asked why I've been off, I'll explain everything including everything to do with my depression and things will be ok, or, they'll tell me to turn around and go back home because I've been kicked off the course. I'm very paranoid that this might happen. Actually, it's not paranoia, because I know it's possible.

We shall see on Thursday.

Oh, one another thing. I used to have 56 people listing me as a favourite diary, now I only have 48. Maybe i'm getting more boring or something.

