Great. Now Claire and I have broke up because she doesn't want to support me over this. Is it so much to ask for to ask for a bit of compassion?

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away says:

If you can't be there for me in a time of need then you're not going to be there when I need you the most and that isn't a good relationship. I hope you're happy with yourself now, Claire. You got your way. You got rid of Natalie and now you've got rid of me. Thanks...

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away says:

All I've ever done is love you and care for you, but at my one time of need, you can't help me out.

Kali Ma says:

because i feel that this is all my fault and all you will do when we are together is think of natalie and want natalie back and i can't deal with that

If she can't help me out this one time then Claire, i'm afraid you don't love me as much as you think you do.

I've been nothing be good to you, yet you can't help me out with this. It's not a lot to ask. Can you not see past your jealousy for Natalie and think about how I might be feeling about this? Just a bit of support.

If you can't do this then it's best we end it.

I still love you, Claire. A part of me always will, no matter what. Maybe you don't believe this, but I will.

I wish you happiness in whatever you do. I'm sure Stuart will be delighted and I wish you luck with him. Honestly.

I might of ended it, but my friendship is still there for you in time.

I'm sorry about this, Claire, but you left me with no choice if we can't work it out.

Thankyou for making me happy over the past 4 months. You made a difference to my life. I will never forget that. I will never forget anything we did together. Thankyou for some of the best months of my life. My only regret is that you decided it could last no longer.

I love you.

