I spent all of last night trying to get asleep. I went to bed at around 1:30, and tried until 3:30am to get asleep. I failed. I then got up and went for something to eat and then tried to get back asleep at about 5, but didn't manage to get asleep till around 7:30am, and so, again, I didn't go to college.

This sleeping thing is really a big problem. I don't know how to cure it either.

In other news, I had a lot of applications for the Truth Reviews over the weekend, so I had to close the form down for a few days while I catch up with the backlog. I'm glad my site is proving popular. I compared The Truth Reviews SITE METER with the one Diary Reviews (the most popular review site) HAS. It seems like i'm doing quite similar to how they started out. What i'm wondering though is in their second month of business they went from getting under 1000 visits to 8000. That's in one month, and it's a very big jump in hits. I want to know how they done it.

I assume it'd have to come from a lot of advertising and I could do that too I suppose, but I don't want to. When I started TTR, I also wanted to conduct an experiment. I wanted to see how powerful word of mouth is and so I didn't advertise TTR anywhere. Nobody really applied for a review though. I then stumled on Rude Reviews and asked them if they wanted to mutual link with me and they said yes. I then got a lot of business due to people coming to their site and seeing my link. That's the only advertising I've done though and now i'm getting around 40 visits a day which for me, is a lot.

I think the fact that I got 10 applications on Saturday, compared to around 5 just a week before proves that my site is growing. There are so many review sites out there, but most are designed badly and give away marks freely. I think that's where my site and Rude Reviews succeed.

Why am I talking about this anyway? I have nothing else to talk about that's why.

I'm contemplating redesigning my diary. I've already made a design, but it was too big so I'm gonna start again. I like this one I have now, but i'm getting a bit bored of it.

Why hasn't anyone else signed my GUESTMAP? Why???

This has to be the most unrelated entry to my life I've ever made. That's how boring today has been.

Saying that though, Claire done something for me last night because I done something for her the night before. I'm not gonna say what though because it's too personal for others to read and I don't want people knowing what I done anyway. It's one of the downfalls of having a public diary that people you know read.

Cryptic clue for my own benefit just incase I forget what it was: Singvah.

I feel like started more diaries on various topics. I like designing things. Coming up with ideas. Sometimes I get bored of them easily though and that's why I haven't made them already.

I think i'm gonna stop writing all this boring crap now.

