I almost didn't go to college today. I was knackered. I woke up at 7am, but drifted back to sleep. Thankfully I woke up again and went.

Catherine was getting on my nerves a bit today. She's just so annoying sometimes.

Kirsty is, as always a lovely person to be around. She kept smacking my arse lol. Not that I minded ;).

Jenny and Kirsty were comparing how white/dark their skin was and they asked me to show me my arms. I showed them about 2 inches of my left arm to Kirsty. She obviously saw my cuts, but didn't say nothing. Later on, we were talking again. Stupidly, Catherine says "Can I carve your initials on your arm?"...urgh. Stupid. I said "I don't have room" and Jenny said "Why don't you have room?". I tried to ignore her about it, but she kept asking me. Thankfully, Kirsty joined in and said that I had cuts on my arm. Jenny then asked me why I do it to which I replied "I dunno". Kirsty once again stood up for me saying about how she does it and she doesn't know either. I removed myself from the conversation while Kirsty and Jenny continued. I didn't wanna be in it. I owe Kirsty one for that.

I got on with my 3D modelling for the day. It's still not finished so I'll have to go in early and finish it off on Friday. No big deal to me.

Jenny laughs loads lol. And at nothing too! When she laughs it makes me laugh because she's laughing (no doubt laughing at me laughing at her laughing at me ;))

I'm off tomorrow. I'm going to YPAS. And then I got the day off to code some of XNet's new web game. Yay.

