Unfortunately, Anna didn't show up today :( She got called into work and Liam didn't get my message that I sent him until 4pm, so I ended up waiting at the station for almost an hour.

Then I went to town on my own and then waited another hour for Laura and Claire who were coming.

I then went to change some trousers, but they were too small so I ended up keeping the same ones.

Basically it was a very pointless journey. Very pointless.

And very very dissapointing.

It did lighten up though because me, Laura and Claire went the pictures to see American Pie 2, which was better than the first. I liked it but it wasn't my kind of movie really. Too silly.

We got out of the pictures at 12:00am and went to McDonalds where we stayed until 12:30am. My mum said that the buses are every half hour so we went to wait at the bus stop, but none came. Laura/Claire suggested we walk home...which is like an hour away! I said that I wasn't gonna do that and I wanted to get a cab home instead. Being immature girls they are, they said they were walking home so I let them, and went to phone a cab in the pictures.

I went to wait outside on the steps where a girl and her boyfriend were waiting too for a cab. One came after about 15 minutes and I asked who it was for. Neither of us. Another one came. Neither of us again. Another one came and it was theirs. They walked over to the cab and the guy got in. The girl was about to and then she turned round to me and asked if I'd like to get in it with them. I thought that was really nice of her. Plus she was lovely looking too :).

On the way home in the cab, I saw Laura and Claire walking up, which was kind of a good thing cos it felt like I'd proved some kind of point. Good things come to those who wait.

I'm sure I've seen the girl before though. In college I think. Hmm maybe.

The meet up with Anna/Liam is being rescheduled, but I don't know when yet. I was really looking forward to today and it all went horribly wrong. I knew it would.

I've been in a very frustrated/pissed off mood because of it. Just that everyone seems to be in a relationship except me and I want someone to love/love me so much. It's the only thing I've ever wanted.

Liam showed Anna a picture of me. Apparantly she likes the look of me, which is good :). I hope I like the look of her.

I am developing a big crush on someone. No, not Kirsty. Someone else. It's purely lust though. I see her most days as well. I dunno, she's just nice looking...but she'd never be anything other than someone to lust after.

So, if good things come to those who wait, then maybe waiting a bit longer to meet Anna will be a good thing? I hope so. I really hope so.

